Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chase, Floss and Boo Boo

This is Henry's expression when we are playing chase and I come around the corner "unexpectedly."  BIG giggles for all.
Henry loves clips.  In particular chip clips and binder clips.  He is often found running around with this chip clip clipped to the end of one of his fingers.  You would think it would be uncomfortable and irritating, but he finds is super entertaining.
Henry's new trick is to spin around in circles to make himself dizzy.  I get a kick out of watching him spin, spin, spin and then stumble around like a drunk person.  Perhaps its just foreshadowing what 20 years from now is going to look like after a fun night out with friends....hmm...let's not think about that quite yet.
Quick (and very rare) pose for the camera with Mama.
 Henry loves his Dog Dog.  Notice Sophie has two toys, not because she wanted two, but because Henry wanted her to have two and stuffed the squirrel in her mouth after she had selected the purple bone.  I am so thankful we have a GENTLE, patient, sweet dog.
Henry running after Mama with his "dee dee" (that's what he calls this old car charger that has brought hours and hours of fun to our house). 
Henry has loved the stairs ever since he became mobile.  First he would crawl up them.  Then he learned how to slide down them on his belly.  Then he learned how to walk up them upright, bracing himself against the wall with one hand.  Now, he desires to try to walk up them going backwards.  I of course try to intervene by telling him to go up the stairs forward, but this is the look I get in response!  Mischievous little bugger.
 One of Henry's favorite hide outs is under the kitchen table.  I'm thinking homemade forts are in my future.
Henry loves to "help" in the kitchen by removing all the kitchen gadgets from the drawers.  This strainer reminds me of the mask fencers wear.  Silly goose.
While Ryan and I were finishing dinner the other night, Henry was playing independently in the family room.  This is the sight we saw when we got up to clear the table and see what he was up to. 
Sticker fun with Grandpa Keith.

By way of other updates, Henry is still growing, growing, growing.  He's starting to wear 4T fuzzy footie jammies!  Seriously, not even two and wearing 4T (granted they are a little big, but he's busting out of his 3T footie jammies)!  I've also recently bought some bigger socks because I noticed the heels of his other socks are starting to slide down his foot.

Speaking of feet, Henry still much prefers to be barefoot.  He will not wear socks unless you also put shoes on him and then he will often try to remove both his shoes and socks.  I frequently just wait until we reach our destination to put his shoes and socks on because once he can run freely, he forgets how annoying wearing his shoes are.  I think he gets this from Ryan.

Henry remains extremely ticklish, in particular under his chin on his neck.  I think he gets that from me. : )

Brushing his teeth has gotten a bit easier, but it is still a bit of a production.  The last month or so I have been trying to introduce flossing.  I think I am going to loose a finger one of these days!

I've also noticed a fair amount of drool return in recent weeks, which likely means more teeth are on the way.  Henry was a trooper for most of his teeth, but his molars gave him a bit of grief.  Since we're expecting 4 more to arrive in the next few months, we'll see how we fare.

Henry is still learning more and more words every day.  In my opinion I find the way he says pee pee and poo poo to be the most endearing ("bee bee" and "boo boo" in a super sweet toddler boy voice).  He's also recently learned how to say ice, ipad, cold, warm, bread, fob (for Mama's work fob that is soooooo enticing to play with), book, milk and knock. 

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