Sunday, January 20, 2013

23 Months

Henry has known how to work door handles and knobs for some time, but recently he has taken particular joy and pride in his ability to help let "dog, dog" in and out.  If Sophie is outside and I tell Henry we should let her in, he'll run over to the back door, open it up and then lean his head out into the fresh air yelling "dog,,, dog."  Half the time Sophie comes bounding in, nearly knocking him over, wagging her tail right his in face.  Doesn't seem to bother Henry in the least. 
Henry's still a pretty happy kid. I admit he has been exploring whining and tantrums, but he's generally a happy go lucky guy.  I sooooooooo cherish that part of his personality.
Henry still loves all things with wheels, including his fire truck.  He now associates fire engines/trucks with "Dada."  When were were at New Seasons the other day, the cashier gave Henry a fire truck sticker and he kept saying "Dada, Dada, Dada" and pointing to the sticker.  The cashier gave me a funny look and then I explained that his Dada is a firefighter.  She then smiled, acknowledging that my son isn't crazy.
Henry loves to play peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek (where he just hides and I come find counting necessary).  Recently he tried hiding in the kitchen cabinets.  It didn't quite work as he had planned, but it was fun watching him try.
 Mama is so happy that Henry shares her love of trains.
Boy oh boy, this boy's smile is nothing but trouble.  It is SO hard to stay mad at someone who is this darn cute.  I'm not partial or anything. : )

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