Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day

It's hard not to smile around this little guy. His smile is infectious.

Fun times. Henry is learning to play more independently as he gets older. His fine motor skills have dramatically improved over the last few weeks.

More smiles...I told you, it's hard not to smile in return!

Laundry day, "helping" Mama do the sorting.

Henry loves to push buttons. Especially buttons that make noise and/or light up. He is fascinated by phones and remote controls, if only Mom and Dad would let him play with them. His toy phones and remote controls are just not the same.

I know I've been saying this for awhile now, but I think Henry is getting close to walking. He now can walk with assistance holding just one hand. He just doesn't have the confidence yet to completely let go. His new trick these days is giving baby kisses. He opens his mouth super wide and then head butts you. He gets a BIG grin on his face if your reciprocate with a kiss and he then tries to do it again. It can be a bit slobbery, but just so sweet. He also learned how to wave. He won't do it on command yet, but he will mimic you if he's in the mood. He's also mastered the high-five, which he's been doing for several weeks now. Now though, he will give high-fives with great enthusiasm and generally anytime you ask for one and put your palm up.

Funniest recent family moment: Henry thinks it is great fun if you blow raspberries on his belly (i.e. make fart noises). The other day, Ryan and I were playing with Henry on the floor when Ryan decided to blow a raspberry on my belly in front of Henry. Henry then tried to mimic him. The result was mostly "baby kisses" on my belly while he tried to make similar noises, which sounded more like Indian chanting than fart noises. Then suddenly, by accident, he was able to blow a loud raspberry on my belly. We all fell over laughing.

My new Mommy mantra: Count the moments, not the minutes.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

So Handsome

Little Man has really become a little man. How does that happen!?! I think he looks super handsome in this picture (the official one-year portrait).

Henry is really enjoying his new walker that Grandma Sherry brought over for his birthday last weekend. He doesn't quite understand that it is helpful to steer yet though. So, he inevitably gets hung up something. The stairs are still a big hit as well. I would really like him to become interested in learning how to go down the stairs in a safe manner, then it wouldn't make me so nervous when he climbs up them. He is getting FAST!

Henry got to try scrambled eggs and peanut butter today. He wasn't thrilled about the eggs but LOVED the peanut butter. So far, so good, no food allergies. Transitioning to cow's milk is still slow going. He is a bit more accepting of the 50/50 mix that I have been giving him (thank goodness for storing 40 frozen bottles of breastmilk before I weaned him). I plan to drop down to 60/40 split in the next couple of days, then 75/25, and then hopefully just a 100% cow's milk by the end of the month. His doc advised to just keep trying, and if in the end he still doesn't like cow's milk, it isn't the end of the world. I have hope though, Henry is back to taking 6oz bottles. For the first few days, he would drink 3-4oz and then hurl the bottle to the ground and refuse to drink anymore. This is from a boy who usually shakes with excitement when he sees his bottle warming up. Although he's a big boy and missing a few calories here and there isn't a big deal, I was worried about his hydration. His doc told me not to fret, if he was thirsty he would drink more water. The doc makes me feel like a completely crazy woman sometimes. : ) I'm really glad he's easy-going though...because someone no so easy-going would only add to my neurosis about everything Henry.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Little Man turned ONE yesterday!!! Thank you Saundra for the cool birthday shirt.

Remarkably, I fall more deeply in love with my son every day. Who knew it was humanly possible to feel this much love for another human. Motherhood is truly amazing.

I LOOOOOOOVE CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Music man in the making. Henry loves music. When he hears a jingle he likes he even move his hips back and forth or bounces up and down to dance to the tune. Cutest thing ever. His FAVORITE, FAVORITE birthday present he received was a lollipop drum Daddy picked out for him. He is literally obsessed with the drum. He will pay with it for hours. No joking. If you take it away, he even throws a tantrum. Yes, tantrums have started. Joy.

This is one of Henry's new tricks, sticking out his tongue. Totally cracks me up.

Henry is battling a bit of a cold this week. No big surprise since Mom and Dad have both been sick the last couple of weeks. It didn't stop him from celebrating in his birthday grand style. He loved having his family over on Saturday for his birthday party. He was fortunate to have both sets of grandparents, his Aunt Sarah, Uncle Mike, Cousins Mason and Stella, and his Great Aunt Karen and Great Aunt Teresa all there to celebrate his first birthday. What a loved little boy! Clearly, the chocolate pudding cake with cream cheese frosting was his favorite part. I don't know where he gets that from...hehehehe. On his actual birthday, Mama made waffles, bacon and raspberries for breakfast. Henry was one happy camper. Funny how food is a common theme here. : )

Henry went to see Dr. E today for his one year check-up, and the doc indeed confirmed Henry is still a big boy. : )


Weight: 24 pounds, 5 ounces. 90th percentile.

Height: 31 inches. 90th percentile.

Head: 18.5 inches. 75th percentile.

The doc also noted that Henry is right on target for all other developmental milestones. I couldn't be prouder. AND...drum roll...cow's milk (I repeat, cow's milk) is the recommended beverage for Henry now. I have officially weaned Henry. I pumped for the very last time tonight. I no longer have to schedule my life around pumping. Yippeeeeeee! Freedom at last. I will note though, that like all other things mother related, it is bittersweet to be ending this chapter in some ways. I am incredibly proud of persevering and nursing Henry for his entire first year, except for one 6oz bottle of formula. The road was bumpy, particularly the first few months, but I am so happy I kept at it. I feel like Henry is healthier for it. And when I look at my son, I can say in large part, I sustained his life for the past year. AMAZING! This is probably the thing I am most proud of accomplishing this last year. Funny thing is, it will be the absolute last thing Henry will want to think about when he's all grown up.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Boy's Best Friend

Henry and Sophie really have become the best of friends in recent weeks. Tonight they spent about 20 minutes playing keep-away with Sophie's bone. When Soph would win, Henry would crawl around to her back side and pull her tail. That would get her attention so she would drop the bone and then Henry would crawl up toward her head to grab the bone from her. It is fun to watch him learn how to problem solve.

Henry still has beautiful blue eyes just like his Daddy! He's going to be a heart breaker.

Happy little dude! Henry has found a whole new octave though. He squeals in delight in such a high pitch I think glasses are going to start breaking. : )

Henry has been working on his spacial awareness. He enjoys taking stuff, in particular his blocks, out of his toy bins and putting them in other toy bins, or drawers, or the bookshelf. He also is fascinated with how doors work. He will slowly push it open and than slam it against the door stop to make a banging noise. Then he'll push the door abruptly open again so he can make the door stop make funny noises with his finger. What is amazing to me is how refined his fine motor skills have become. He, like most boys, loves things that move. He now pushes all objects around like they are cars. His favorite are his board books because they move very easily across carpet. I am now just waiting for him to start making car noises when he pushes his "cars" around. He also has learned how to throw things. Good thing grandma and grandpa bought foam blocks for x-mas, otherwise, I'd fear for my TV. The wood blocks are kept upstairs for good reason. Toilet paper is also a big favorite for Henry these days. The other day he pulled on the toilet paper hanging in the master bathroom and then crawled into the master bedroom and down the hall toward his bedroom. This was all in just the time it took me to wash my hands!

Only one more week until Henry gets his first glass of cow's milk. I am looking forward to not carting my pump back and forth to work with me, or having to pump in parking lots or ladies restrooms when I'm out of the office. He's become quite the biter while nursing, so I think the novelty had definitely run its course. I thought I would be sadder, but now that he has become vicious, I am looking forward to ending this chapter. Henry's such a good eater that I don't anticipate the transition to be a problem. Speaking of food, the boy LOVES, LOVES, LOVES pancakes. The last few weekends we either have gone out to breakfast and ordered pancakes or made them at home. He can eat just about as many pancakes as his Mama!!! He also really likes chicken, peas and avocados these days. But, he must be able to feed himself. He doesn't like Mama to do it for him anymore. He's beginning to assert his opinion and independence. Although I encourage these things, I am sure my patience will be tested on a more regular basis.

My final update regarding Henry is that I am happy to report sleep training actually worked this time around. He now goes 10 hours without nursing. He goes to bed without a peep.. Sometimes he still wakes up in the middle of the night, but he puts himself back to sleep after only 2-3 minutes. Success! The trade-off though is that he has become a binky addict. I figure I'll fight that battle later. : )