Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Many Thanks

It's been a little while since I've posted my list of thanks.  Here are some highlights from the past few weeks:

* Date night with Ryan.  Dinner with Don and Amy.  Thank you Bennia for watching Henry.
* New plants - 4 blueberry bushes, 1 apple tree (with 4 different varieties), and 1 pear tree (with two varieties)
* Big Sunday breakfast with my boys, at home.
* Date night with Ryan.  Dinner with Emilie and Thomas.  Thank you Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Keith for watching Henry overnight earlier this month.
* Attending UP games with Grandpa Keith, Ryan and Henry.  Go Pilots!
* Quick visit with Jen.  Even though only 30 minutes, it was great to see each other in person.
* Birthday party with family for Henry.  Thanks for all the awesome new toys.
* Craft-time with Henry. 
* Date breakfast with Ryan. Sitting by the fire was cozy and nice.
* Lunch with Mary.  Trying new restaurants is fun, great recommendation.
* Story time with Henry sitting in my lap.  These are such precious moments.
* Building railroads with Henry.  Playing "goo, goos" (Henry's word for choo, choo).
* Flowers from the Hubbie (twice in the last month!).  Chocolates from the Hubbie.  New cookbook from the Hubbie.  I'm spoiled!
* Practicing the piano.
* Grandpa Keith buying chocolate chip cookies with/for Henry at UP games. 
* Watching Grandpa Keith carry Henry on his shoulders - priceless.
* Started reading a new novel.
* Scrapbooking...someday I will actually finish that darn baby book for Henry...about 80-85% done now.
* Family walk through the neighborhood.  Grateful for a sun break.
* Playing with the Ko kids.
* OMSI with Henry and Grandma O.
* Getting frozen yogurt with Henry after a long week at work.
* Homemade soup.
* Lunch outing with Grandpa Jim, Grandma O and Henry.
* Sharing a cup of coffee before work with Ryan.
* Jogging.
* Cool, clear sunny days, here and there.
* Coming home to a clean house.
* Sharing lunch with my mom.  Can't beat homemade Korean food - it's my comfort food (although I admit, I love fried chicken, mac n' cheese and brownies too!)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Right on Track

  Henry has started to really enjoy art/craft time.  Mommy loves crafts too, especially with this little bugger. 
This expression cracks me up!
Mommy's little helper decided the bath tissue MUST come out of the big bag into its smaller bags and then thrown about throughout the house.
Where did Henry go!?!
Henry trying to help me go through the mail and mark up my work papers.  He was quite proud of himself.
Determined to get every last drop! Daddy was generous to share his chocolate pudding with Little Man.
Henry loves brooms, shovels, hoes, vacuums, bags on rollers...basically anything that he can push around.  Sophie thinks he is crazy.
Smiles for Mama.
I can't believe Henry's big enough to ride a bike (even if it is pedal-less).

Henry is beginning to put short phrases together, such as "Baby walk," "NO Mommy!," and "night night Dada."  Henry acquires more and more words everyday.  He is also continuing to learn more of his alphabet and colors.  He still loves to read, mostly about diggers, dinosaurs, dogs and trains.  These are also the common theme for his favorite toys, in particular his Hot Wheels and diggers.

He is still a diverse eater, but at any given meal he is quite particular.  Among his favorite foods these days are clementines, salmon fish sticks (homemade), celery dipped in hot sauce (Korean style), blackberries, rice crackers with hummus, strawberries, yogurt, Trix, fruit leather, toast, waffles, pinto beans, seaweed soup, and rice with sesame seeds.

He remains a good sleeper, usually a 2-2.5 hour nap in the afternoon and 10-12 hours at night.  However, he has begun to protest a bit before nap or bedtime.  No full blown tantrums, but vocal opposition.  I'll be curious how the transition to the toddler bed will go.

Henry visited Dr. E earlier this week and Dr. E was quite pleased with Henry's development.  He ended our appointment by saying "Henry is right on track.  See you in a year."  We are sooooooooo soooooooo blessed to have a happy, healthy son.  I couldn't be happier.

2 year stats:
Height: 37 inches (96th percentile)
Weight: 32.5 pounds (80th percentile)
Head: 19.25 inches (51st percentile)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Celebrating Two!

This past weekend, we celebrated Henry's birthday with family.  Below are some highlights.
Grandma Sherry captivated the attention of the cousins as she drew pictures of diggers with Henry.
Cousin Maddi happily obliged Henry by drawing diggers with him too.  This new doodler was one of Henry favorite birthday presents (thank you Grandma Sherry!).
Cousin Stella had a great time with Henry giving hugs, engaging in sword fights and playing cashier with Henry during his party.
 Cousin Maddi and Dalton.  Henry loved having his cousins over to celebrate his birthday.  Hopefully these gatherings continue as a tradition.
 Happy Birthday to Henry!!!  Mama may have helped blow out the candle before he grabbed the flame.
 Mmm...chocolate, chocolate chip cupcakes with cream cheese frosting are YUMMY!
 Cousin Dalton was so sweet by patting and petting Henry's head while he opened his gifts. 
 Henry loves being the center of attention. 
As if it weren't obvious, Henry LOVES diggers, and this new excavator is no exception (thank you Grandma Sherry...you clearly know what makes this boy tick!).

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Visiting OMSI

I took the day off from work last Thursday to celebrate Henry's birthday with him.  We went on an adventure with Grandma O to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry).  Everyone had a blast!
 Fishy, fishy, fishy.  Mama, look there are fishies.
 Henry enjoyed this exhibit with a fan blowing out of a tube in which he could make a ball float in the air. 
 Cyclones are awesome!
 Henry loves, loves, loves water.  In particular if he can SPLASH, SPLASH, SPLASH!
 My little mad scientist.
I love the fact Henry tried to read about the animal sculls even though he doesn't know how to read yet.  After he looked at the pages he would look up and ask me to "weed...weed...weed" to him.  I hope his curiosity and interest in learning continues to grow.
Grandma O is my BFF!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Two years ago today, I discovered the true meaning of love at first sight.  I love you Little Man to the deepest depths of my heart.  Happy Birthday and Happy Valentines Day.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

On the Bookshelf

Bringing Up Bebe - One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting. 

Front Cover
For my last birthday, my dearest friend Jen gave me this book as a gift.  Thank you Jen!  Over the New Year's weekend I devoured it.  I really mean it, I had a hard time putting it down.  It was insightful, humorous, and entertaining.  I recommend this book for anyone, but in particular those with young children or those embarking on parenthood.  I plan to gift this book to a friend who is recently pregnant.  Here are some of the observations and tips that I took away from this book.  (1) Engage in a proper meal time with your kids and expect table manners.  French children don't throw food because they have been expected to eat at the table as respectable humans since they could sit up on their own.  (2) French babies sleep through the night (typically by three months) because French parents employ "the pause."  French parents don't jump at every noise their baby makes, they pause first to really listen to whether their baby really needs them.  Babies sometimes just make noise, and that is okay.  French babies seem to learn how to self-sooth much sooner than American counterparts.  I hope to employ this when our next baby (whenever that may be) arrives.  (3) Teach your kids to be patient by making them wait.  This walks hand in hand with "the pause."  (4) Treat your kids as human. In other words, embrace the fact that kids have their own unique personalities, interests, like/dislikes, rather than trying to always make them conform.  (5) The mass majority of French moms work outside the home (well over 80%).  We Americans (I included) often feel guilty about working while also being a mom.  In France, it appears (at least from the author's perspective) that French women don't harbor this guilt.  Work is an important part of a woman's life, an expectation in France, so there is no reason to feel guilty about it.  I need to work on this perspective!  (6) Remember to embrace your femininity as a woman and as a wife after becoming a mom.  There is great emphasis in French culture for women to regain their figure shortly after birth and to remember your role as a wife.  (7) Let your kids play.  Don't over schedule them.  Don't rush childhood.  Let them explore.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Thanks

Some things I am grateful for this week:

* Grandma Sherry watching Henry so I could attend a UP game with Ryan and stay the entire game.
* Homemade sausage tortellini soup, fish sticks (with salmon caught by Ryan), banana bread, baked sweet potato (fries) and ketchup (yes, indeed, I made it from scratch). 
* Play date with Layton and Ben (girlfriend-time with mom Wende).
* Play date with Brae, Sienna and Theo (girlfriend-time with moms Britney and Mo).
* Lunch with Caitlin (I can't believe she is a sophomore in college.  I remember changing her diapers!)
* Practicing the piano (my poor neighbors have had to listen to Jingle Bells too many times to count, and it still doesn't sound quite right when I play it...hehehehehe)
* Reading for fun (just finished my second book for the year)
* Painting my nails (sparkly violet make me feel so feminine)
* Date night with my man tonight
* Grandpa Keith watching Henry on Wednesday.  It's an amazing blessing to have family to chip in. 
* Quick coffee date with Ryan
* Sitting on the couch with Henry reading book after book
* Building blocks, playing chase and racing Hot Wheels with Little Man.
* Daylight when I get off of work.
* Picking up Henry and eating seaweed soup and kimchi made by my Mama.
* Morning snuggles with Henry in the rocking chair.
* Sunny winter day.