Monday, July 20, 2015

Summer Portraits

 I may be partial, but I think these boys are gosh darn cute!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Fourth of July Celebration

A rare treat of shirtless weather for the Fourth of July at the beach.
 In Orange is the New Black fashion, Saundra was crowned (tampons and all!).
 Girlfriends, for life!
 Uncle Mike and Aunt Sondi joined the barbeque festivities.
 Chuck and Saundra. We love them like family!
 Hugo and Grandma Saundra.
Bros just chillin'.
 First fireworks.  Their expressions were priceless!
 Party poppers!
Sunglasses are so fun to play with (and break!). Grandpa Keith is daring to permit Russ to manhandle his shades.

First Birthday Party

On June 28th, we celebrated Russell's first birthday with family.  Mommy made a special three-tiered baby cake, just for the occasion!
 New toys!  The packaging is just as fun as the toys inside.  Russ likes crinkly sounds.
 Russ had a great time playing ball with his cousin Stella.
CAKE!!! Yum!  He was a bit tentative at first, but one he felt the cake squish through his fingers, he was all in!  Playing with your food never gets old.
Sweet baby boy LOVES his Grandma Sherry.