Friday, January 31, 2014

Monkey Man in Janurary

Park time fun.  Taking advantage of a clear winter day.  Henry loves to climb.  Tubes, ladders, stairs, rocks etc. all provide a great source of entertainment, and a source of anxiety for Mom as she watches him try to navigate the obstacles.  I try hard not to hoover too close or always hold his hand or brace him, but I struggle in that department.  Yes, I am one of those moms. 
This is what I call Henry's "cheese-ball" smile.  Forced to the point that his cheeks start to dimple.  Still irresistible to me!
Digging is perhaps Henry's favorite pastime, which is no exception at the beach.  We got lucky with dry, sunny weather one weekend this month. Perfect excuse for fun in the sand and indulging on fish n' chips and ice cream!
The sun came out after a few rainy days, so we headed outside for some bike riding.  People ask me all the time if I think Henry looks more like me or more like Ryan.  I usually say that he's a great blend of the two of us.  I do think he has my smile though and I think this picture highlights that.  It blows my mind how similarly our faces transform when we smile, like the shape of our eyes, cheeks and lips.  Genetics are pretty cool that way.  Speaking of genetics, Ryan and Henry were sitting together the other night, cuddled up, watching one of Henry's favorite movies when Ryan looked down and noticed that he twitches his toes a bit when he is relaxing and then he noticed Henry was doing the exact same thing!  Ryan turned to me, smiled and said "well, perhaps he is mine after all."  Classic.

Above all else, what amazes me is how much Henry's personality has developed over the past few months.  This often is exhibited in his speech.  Here are some excerpts from the last couple months:

Upon waking up one morning after Grandpa Keith watched him...
Henry: Who put me in bed last night?
Me: Grandpa Keith"
Henry: Grandpa Keith downstairs?
Me: No, he went home.
Henry: Why?
Me: Grandpa Keith was tired and had to go night-night just like Henry.
Henry: Grandpa Keith didn't eat his boogers!

While playing with a plastic reindeer that "poops" jellybeans...
Henry:Why does the reindeer have a big butt?
Me: So it can eat a lot.
Henry: And POOP a lot!
Me: Yes.
Henry: Henwie likes poop...Henwie play with poop a lot!

After a playdate...
"Henwie shared toys good.  Henwie make Mommy HAAAAAPPPPPY!!!!"

Me: If the baby is a boy, what should we name baby brother?
Henry: Poopface.
Me: If the baby is a girl, what should we name baby sister?
Henry: Buttface.
{hmm...wonder who taught him that...wasn't me...}

"Santa no like pumpkin cookies.  Santa likes chocolate chip cookies.  Henwie LOOOOOVES chocolate chip cookies too!  Henwie and Mommy make chocolate chip cookies for Santa and he can share with Henwie?"

While looking at pictures of construction equipment...
"Whaz it dooos?" (as he points to each machine)

After hearing his dad toot...
"Ewe, that's stinky! Daddy need go poo-poo!"

While running around the house pretending to be a truck...
"Honk honk!  Move it, chickens!"

While coming out of his room (dark) into the lighted hallway...
"It's too lighty!"

While out shopping...
Henry: Henwie no like girl toys.  Henwie is a boy.  Henwie likes boy toys.
Me: What sort of boy toys?
Henry: Hmm (said while tilting head to one side)...Henwie like diggers.  Henwie like dump trucks.  Henwie like cars...and....cement mixers.  Mommy buy Henwie cement mixer?

While driving to the grocery store (after dark)...
"It's dark.  Mommy, drive VERY careful!"

While chatting over dinner...
 Me: Do you think there is a girl baby or a boy baby in Mommy's tummy?
Henry: Nuuuuufin.  Maybe a doggie.

While holding a long string...
Henry: Mommy you hold this side (handing me one end of the string while holding the other end)
Me: Ok.  Now what?
Henry: You be the broken car.  I be the tow truck. Broken car needs go to the mechanic.
Me: Where is the mechanic?
Henry: I tow you there.  ("pulling" me to the dining room) Ok, now unhook (expecting me to drop the string). BANG, BANG, BANG! Ok, now you broken car is fixed!
Me: Vroom.  Vroom.
Henry: Race me! (as he runs into the room expecting me to chase him)

While getting ready for bed...
Henry: Why Mommy have hair on your butt?
Me: {shocked at the question} Mommy doesn't have hair on my butt!  Grown-ups do have hair on their private parts though.
Henry: Why Henwie have no hair?
Me: When you get bigger, you will grow hair too on your private parts.
Henry: When I am big like Daddy?
Me: Yes.
Henry:  Hehehe.  Henwie a boy.  Henwie have a penis.  Mommy a lady. Mommy have boobs!
Me: Yes, love.  Good night.  Sweet dreams!
{I walked out of his room just shaking my head, amused.  Oh the joys of teaching littles about body parts and the differences between boys and girls.}

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Round Two - 16 Weeks and Counting

Many moms told me that pregnancy with "number 2" would be different than the first time around.  I was skeptical (which is likely just part of my personality).  In some ways, this pregnancy is different, but in many ways, it is much the same.  Here are some reflections:

Cravings: I craved spicy food and fruit with Henry.  This Jellybean likes salty crunchy foods and lots of carbs.  There were a few weeks that all I thought about was tacos, and yes, I indulged the little bugger.

Fatigue: The first trimester fatigue with both "bundles of joy" was awful. I remember with Henry, closing my door at lunchtime and taking cat naps on my desk, hoping I wouldn't wake up with paper creases on my face.  This time around, I didn't take any desk naps, but I walked around like a zombie for at least 2 months.  I am still in awe that I somehow went to work and got stuff out the door.  Thankfully, my energy came back in the second trimester with both Henry and this Jellybean.

Morning Sickness:  I am one of those blessed women {don't judge} that doesn't get throw-up sick with pregnancy.  That's not to say that I felt great all the time.  There were many days when I felt gross.  Nauseous.  Wanted to go home and pull the covers over my head (the fatigue didn't help in this regard) and wake up 8 weeks later.  But, I never threw up with Henry.  And I haven't thrown up with this Jellybean.  Luckily, that gross, not so stellar feeling, has gone away in the second trimester just as it did with Henry.

Headaches:  This is a new symptom for this pregnancy.  I don't remember getting headaches with Henry.  I have experienced periodic headaches with this pregnancy.  Not debilitating migraine headaches, but still annoying.  I feel bad for those who struggle with headaches on a regular basis.  I am lucky that I rarely get headaches in my non-pregnant state.

Baby Movements:  I felt Henry move around for the first time at 19 weeks.  I remember distinctly being on the Max, reading a pregnancy related book on the way to work one morning and feeling a sensation much like a few gas bubbles moving in my lower abdomen...but then there was no fart.  This Jellybean decided to make his/her presence known at the end of 13 weeks.  Very similar sensation.  At first I didn't think it was possible to feel the baby that early, but then it happened again, and again and again.  Usually just once or twice a day.  At 16 weeks I can feel the Jellybean move more regularly (at least a few times a day) and it feels more like a gentle pushing, rolling sensation. 

Baby Bump: I showed early with Henry.  I remember feeling discouraged reading pregnancy magazines and books that said it was unlikely that I would need to go shopping for maternity clothes until month 5 or so.  Ha!  I purchased my first maternity pants at 9 weeks, but couldn't bear to pull them on until 10 weeks.  I tried squishing myself into my normal pants and skirts for another couple weeks, but by 12 weeks, I was in full time maternity pants.  This Jellybean wanted everyone to know he/she had invaded my body as early as possible, so this mama pulled on the maternity pants at 8 weeks and haven't looked back.  Yes people, I've been in maternity pants for 2 months already!!!  I have a very distinctively round belly.  And ginormous knockers, just like with Henry.

Itchy:  I remember being really itchy with Henry.  It is no different this time.  I am itchy, itchy, itchy.  I feel like I have ants crawling on me.  No amount of lotion, cream, salve helps.  I am just itchy!

Moodiness:  Hormones are an interesting thing.  I feel like I am generally a pretty level-headed, even-tempered person.  In pregnancy, I find I am more sensitive and less patient.  In particular when I am tired.  I try my best to keep perspective and recognize when the hormones are taking over versus my brain.  Relatively speaking, I don't think I am nearly as moody as some women, but I do find myself getting chocked up at sappy commercials on TV or hearing stories about families in need on the radio.  

Heart Rate: Henry's heart rate hoovered in the 150's while in the womb.  This Jellybean is also hoovering in the 150's.  However, Henry was way more chill and relaxed in the womb. This Jellybean is always dancing, kicking, and squirming around every time my OB tries to find a heartbeat using the Doppler or take a peak with the ultrasound. 

Gender: I was convinced that Henry was a girl before my 18 week ultrasound.  Clearly, I was wrong.  There is nothing girlish about him, he is all BOY!  I am convinced this Jellybean is also a girl, but we all know how my prediction ended up last time.  Ryan also seems to think this one is a girl too.  Mostly because everyone in his family has one of each gender.  We hope to find out if our predictions are correct in just three weeks.  Eeeeeeeek!

Neurosis: Yes, I am a neurotic human being.  I obsess about stuff.  From what color to paint my kitchen, to what pre-school I should enroll Henry in, to what I should make for dinner next Sunday.  It was no different when I was pregnant with Henry.  I actually took it up a notch when I was pregnant with Henry.  I obsessed about all things pregnancy and baby related.  I devoured pregnancy and baby books, magazines, blogs, websites, etc. I never ate sushi, lunch meat, unpasteurized cheese, artificial sweeteners, significantly limited my caffeine intake etc.  I stayed out of salons to avoid the fumes.  I would cross the street if someone was smoking so I could avoid the second hand smoke.  With this pregnancy, I am much more relaxed about stuff.  I trust things will work themselves out just as they should.  I haven't read one pregnancy related blog or magazine.  I do reference a couple of my generic pregnancy books from time to time, just because I like to know what is going on developmentally.  Like the fact the Jellybean is developing eyelashes this week and can hear my voice now.  How cool is that!?!  I've eaten a turkey sandwich, over-easy egg and drank a diet soda all in the last month or so.  I fairly regularly have a cup of caffeinated coffee.  I stood behind a smoker on an escalator the other day.  And I might just go get myself a pedicure in the near future.  All in all, I am not nearly as neurotic this pregnancy as the last.  I still try to eat well, get a bit of exercise, take my vitamins, drink water and get some rest when I am tired, but I not obsessing every second of every day. I am thankful for this difference.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hopes for 2014

Hello 2014!  A new year brings new beginnings.  A time to reflect on the past and a time to plan for the future.  I usually make resolutions this time of year, but this year, I will set forth hopes for the year, rather than resolutions.  This way, I will remain optimistic all year rather than beat myself up for not fulfilling my resolutions. 

Here are my hopes for this year:

Experience an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth with Jellybean #2. {So far, so good.}

Welcome a healthy new Jellybean into our family.

Enjoy my maternity leave, warding off postpartum depression.

Relax.  Count more moments than minutes.

Continue to make time for Me and Us.

To live more authentically.  

To sum it up, I hope to find more peace and contentment this year (as it's been for the last few years).  What I find, for me, is that peace and contentment do not come naturally.  It takes work.  A lot of work.  I've made progress.  Good progress.  I begin this year with the hope of finding it once and for all, or perhaps at least get a little closer.