Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Thanks

Some things I am grateful for this week:

* Grandma Sherry watching Henry so I could attend a UP game with Ryan and stay the entire game.
* Homemade sausage tortellini soup, fish sticks (with salmon caught by Ryan), banana bread, baked sweet potato (fries) and ketchup (yes, indeed, I made it from scratch). 
* Play date with Layton and Ben (girlfriend-time with mom Wende).
* Play date with Brae, Sienna and Theo (girlfriend-time with moms Britney and Mo).
* Lunch with Caitlin (I can't believe she is a sophomore in college.  I remember changing her diapers!)
* Practicing the piano (my poor neighbors have had to listen to Jingle Bells too many times to count, and it still doesn't sound quite right when I play it...hehehehehe)
* Reading for fun (just finished my second book for the year)
* Painting my nails (sparkly violet make me feel so feminine)
* Date night with my man tonight
* Grandpa Keith watching Henry on Wednesday.  It's an amazing blessing to have family to chip in. 
* Quick coffee date with Ryan
* Sitting on the couch with Henry reading book after book
* Building blocks, playing chase and racing Hot Wheels with Little Man.
* Daylight when I get off of work.
* Picking up Henry and eating seaweed soup and kimchi made by my Mama.
* Morning snuggles with Henry in the rocking chair.
* Sunny winter day.

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