Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Meeting Mason for the first time

At 6:24 yesterday morning I became an aunt again! Welcome Mason John Booth, 5lbs 6oz and 18 inches long. He came 4 weeks early, but is healthy and already a great snuggler. Sarah, you are a rock star for hanging in there for 6 days in the hospital. Your kiddos sure do like to stay with their mommy for as long as possible! Henry is jealous that Mason has so much hair and he is still effectively bald.

Henry update: He loves fruit! Peas are his favorite veggie. We tried carrots yesterday with not much interest on Henry's part. I mixed a plum with his peas and carrots today and he was a eating machine! I think I have my new secret weapon. On the activity front, he has now learned how to roll. From back to belly, belly to back, back to belly. He also seems to really like tummy time now. Go figure, over night, he's changed from a tummy time hater to a tummy time lover. If you put him on his back on the floor, it takes but seconds before he is on is tummy. I'm sure crawling is not too far out. He still can't seem to get his belly off the ground though.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm a big boy now!

Henry made friends with the baby in the mirror. We went and visited Dr. E this afternoon. Henry's weight has finally caught up to his height, he is now above average in both height and weight. Way to go Mama, all that nursing has paid off! He is now 18 pounds, 5 ounces and 27 1/3 inches long. Dr. E was pleased with his development and said he looked great.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

6 Months!

Henry turned 6 months today! In celebration, he got to try his first solid food...applesauce. Later in the day he gummed/sucked on some watermelon and the applesauce got doctored up with some rice cereal. As you can see, about half the appleasuce ended on his face rather than in his belly. Not too bad for his first shot at eating off a spoon though.Henry is now trying to sit up independently. What a big boy!

This picture was taken on the front porch of the house we rented last week in Jacksonville, OR (just outside Ashland), where we celebrated Mama's 30th birthday. As you can see, the view was great. I can't wait until we are out on the farm!

So excited! Look at my beautiful blue eyes, Grandma Sherry is so disappointed (she was counting on Mama creating a browned-eyed baby for her).

Ah, a little lounging while on vacation.