Monday, September 24, 2012

Fun with Cooper-dude

Henry and I finally got to meet Cooper yesterday (after 19+ months).  My friend Mary's sister, Annie, was pregnant with Cooper at the same time that I was pregnant with Henry.  Our due dates were only weeks apart.  We delivered only a week and a half apart.  It was actually Annie's delivery that woke me up to the REALITY that I would indeed have to deliver Henry someday (I was in a bit of denial up until then).  Ever since the boys were born we have been talking about getting them together for a playdate. sometimes get in the it took us 19 months to finally get together.  SO MUCH FUN...totally worth the wait.  Thank you Annie for hosting!!!  Cooper-dude is SOOOOO cute.  I love his smile and laugh. 
Annie showed us a great park in Canby, walking distance from her house.  Henry loves parks (well, really anywhere he can be a wild man).  Henry really likes slides and tubes.  This tube was particularly fun because the big kids at the park would hide inside for the little kids to discover them.  However, there was a funny moment when one of the big kids (probably about 5 years old), saw Henry at the end of the tunnel pointing at him and started whining that "you're giving my spot away!"
 Look at me, I can get down low...and then throw bark chips all over my head.  Silly goose.
 Henry thought it was sooooo funny to play peek-a-boo around these poles.  He didn't quite realize that this body is actually bigger than the pole and you can see him at all times.  Fun times.
May I just say, it is really hard to get a picture with two toddlers looking at the camera.  I finally just gave up.  This was the closest I got. : )
Peek-a-boo!!!  Precious interactions.


  1. seriously, does your little guy ever NOT smile?!

  2. CUTE!! Can you tell I'm playing major catch up on your blog?? But cute!!
