Monday, September 17, 2012

19 Months

Seriously, who's in charge of this kid???  Henry really didn't understand why Mama thought this was "danger."  He tried desperately to play a game of keep away before Mama quickly declared victory and found a new home for this appliance plug-in way up high. 
Henry loves his trucks.  This dump truck is a favorite because it is big enough to carry smaller trucks in its bed. 
 Henry has mastered climbing up on the couch.  He is now working on how to get his toys up on the couch with him.  It is great fun watching him problem solve.  He often forgets to put his toys on the couch before he climbs up, but this time he remembered to put his truck on the couch before he climbed up.  He was so proud of himself.
Climbing the stairs is still a favorite pastime.  Although, he now much prefers to climb them upright with the assistance of Mama's hand.  He grunts with all the effort he has to exert as he climbs each stair.  It makes Mama giggle.
We often play chase.  Sometimes when Henry is chasing me, I turn around really quick and roar like a lion. Henry thinks this is absolutely hilarious, leaning forward to laugh and squeal with delight.
Hehehehe.  Daddy thought he was watching football.  Henry's in charge of both the recliner AND the remote now (and of course the dog leash...just for good measure).
Henry's favorite foods these days include: grapes, blueberries, apples, bacon, smoked salmon, rotisserie or roasted chicken, grilled steak, crackers (in particular Ritz crackers), waffles, pancakes, nuts and yogurt.  Getting Henry to drink milk is a challenge, but Mama keeps offering it.  He'll drink a few sips (perhaps 1-2 oz), but not nearly the 2 cups (16+ oz) they (pediatrician) recommends.  Making oatmeal with milk is Mama's new secret weapon.

He still doesn't like to brush his teeth, but he tolerates it if he can keep his hands occupied with other bathroom goodies (comb, toothpaste tube, sunscreen bottle, etc.) or splash his feet in the sink while sitting on the counter (which is the only way he will let me trim his nails...something he REALLY doesn't like and protests with great vigor). 

Henry is learning how to go down the slide by himself at the park. Throwing balls (or really any object for that matter) has also become fun.  Ryan has been working on "knucks" with him, but he has yet to learn how to "blow it up." It is funny watching him try though.  Henry is also starting to give closed mouth kisses and he says "mmmmmmmm" when he delivers them.  So sweet. 

He LOVES tractors, the bigger the better! 

Henry's current list of words include: "Dad," "Mama," "doe" (which means "door"), "dog," "dab" (which used to be "daboo," which still means garbage), "wow," "new, new" (which means "no, no"), and "yeah."  We're up to 8 words now (at least that I can recognize).  Progress.  Smile. 

He's getting really good at identifying pictures in his various picture books and will point to objects if you ask him "where's the car?" "where's the dog?" "where's the garbage can?" etc. 

Every developmental stage has been fun in its own way, but this stage is fun because the two-way communication is really starting to blossom.  He's so much fun to be around!

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