Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Henry's Favorites

It's been awhile since I've provided a generic Henry update.  Here are some of his favorites in life right now:

Henry loves to chase after his remote control car, in particular if his next door neighbor friend/idol Micah or Daddy will drive the car for him.  Mommy doesn't do it right apparently.  It is fun to listen to his squeals of delight as he runs after the car. 
He loves to be outside.  We try to venture outside to play everyday. This picture was taken last night, in between hail storms. 
Henry loves Legos, both Duplo and regular size.  He needs help with the regular sized ones (thanks Daddy for helping build this tow truck), but has pretty good fine motor skills for a three year old (although he still can't really draw a circle to save his life).  He has free-reign over his box of Duplo sized Legos and I am always amazed by his creativity.  His creations usually center around some sort of wheeled vehicle, from a semi truck, tow truck, fire truck, train, tractor, flying car, cement mixer, tanker truck, or just the generic "funny truck."  His obsession with things that move runs deep!
Henry really enjoys "helping" Mommy in the kitchen and the garden.  Baking is definitely a favorite because Mommy lets him lick the spoon clean when we are finished with the batter.  In the garden, he loves to "help" dig holes.  The only trouble is that he doesn't always want to dig the holes where I want to plant the plants. 

Some other favorites:

* Disney Cars (and Cars 2 and Tow Mater's Tale Tales...see a theme...)

* Strawberries, hot dog buns with mayo (no hot dog), pepperoni, raw carrots (whole, not cut up), spaghetti, waffles, cheese crackers, yogurt tubes (frozen), cashews, chicken nuggets, hummus with rice crackers, apples, chocolate chip cookies, ice water with lemon, and fruit leather are among his favorite foods these days. 

* Loves books with pictures of cars/trucks/tractors/trains, Dr. Seuss, and books with flaps

* Paw Patrol is currently his favorite cartoon

* Super soft fleece blankets

* Playing hide-and-seek

* Racing, chasing and jumping

* Parks, in particular ones with bouncy bridges and slides

* Prefers dogs over cats

* Picking flowers to give to Mommy : )

* Comfy clothes (nothing constricting like thick or stiff jeans, button up shirts etc.)

* Country music

* Watching YouTube videos on the iPad

* Puzzles

* Telling stories.  He often will wake up and start telling stories, usually about his cars and trucks.  I love to stand by his door and just listen for a minute or two before getting him up.  

* Tents, both play and real

* Playdoh

* Calling his Grandpa Keith names, like Fartknocker, Spider-eater, Ditch-witcher (hmm...wonder who taught him these names...thank you Grandpa)

* And, of course playing with his MANY, MANY, MANY cars, trucks, tractors, trains etc.  It is a very rare day that you walk down a toy isle or take a trip to the toy store when he doesn't pick something with wheels.  He can't get enough of them!!!  He also is very adept at pointing out every truck or piece of heavy machinery we pass by on the road, and will correct you if you get it wrong (like identifying wheel loaders vs excavators).

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