Sunday, April 7, 2013

Springtime Fun

Silly goose.  Henry has become a climber. He's asserting his independence more and more everyday, wanting to do things for himself.  This includes walking up and DOWN the stairs.  Completely freaks me out, but he will at least hold on to the rail now.  If he is feeling sweet, he will hold my hand for extra stability. But usually, I just have to hold my breath, walk next to him and prepare to brace his fall in the event he slips.
Window clings.  Henry loves, loves, loves stickers, so we tried out some new car Easter window clings.  The awesome thing about window clings is that you can peel them off and use them again, dozens of times.  Henry tested out the theory thoroughly.
This guy is a smoothie lover!
Henry can now effectively navigate slides by himself and prefers to do so.  On the really tall ones I usually still go to the top and get him to lay down, otherwise I fear he will go flying off the edge because he still doesn't have good body control. It is really fun to watch him navigate playground equipment these days, it brings him so much joy.
Awe, my sweet boy.
If I would let him, Henry would live outside.  He loves to explore, play ball, dig in the dirt, RUN, and ride his bike.  He is all smiles, all the time, while outside.
Mama's little helper.  He likes to help sort laundry, feed Sophie, let Sophie in and out (it is so cute to hear him call her to come inside..."Sobie, Sobie, dog dog...Sopbie, So...."), help Mama in the kitchen (especially making chocolate pudding) and run errands.  If Henry starts to get a little grumpy and stir crazy, take him on an outing, and it will turn his mood right around.  I like having company while I run errands, so I am thrilled he likes to go with me.
Henry loves to mimic behavior.  Mowing the pavement is a favorite pastime. 

He is learning his colors.  He now knows green, purple, red, orange, yellow and white.

He is also working on opposites: Cold/Warm/Hot, Dark/Light, and my favorite Big/Baby (rather than Big/Small). 

He is still working on his letters.  He knows about two-thirds of his ABCs, primarily in uppercase. 

Henry has finally started speaking phrases.  Here are some recent phrases that brought a smile to my face:

Henry: "euuuu euuuuu ahhhh ahhhhh, eat dat nana"
Me: "That's right, monkeys do eat bananas."
Henry: "beel dat one, mama"

"Mama, read dat one!" "Mama, move dere." Henry likes to bring me books and ask me to read them to him. But he also likes to dictate where I sit to read the book, often on the middle cushion of the couch, not on one side or the other, but the middle cushion only.

Grandpa Keith: "Henry, come give me a hug!"
Henry: "Nooooo way!"

Me: "Henry, would you like some carrots?"
Henry: "No, Mama eat dat."

Henry: "Fassss, gar go, now!"  
Me: You want Mama to drive the car fast?
Henry" "Yeah!"

Henry has also learned some more colorful phrases (I won't mention the culprits who taught them to him), such as "Mama poophole" and "Mama bugger."  He thinks both are hilarious.  I indulge the humor for now since he isn't saying these things to be mean.  I am sure we will need to reign it in a bit when he starts pre-school next year.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha! that pic of him sucking the smoothie cracked me up!
