Thursday, August 30, 2012

Henry's First Trip to the ER

Henry and the coffee table went to battle and unfortunately Henry lost the battle.  On Tuesday, we took our first trip to the ER to get Henry's face glued back together. Modern medicine is awesome.  They make this magic glue (Dermabond) now that can be used on certain types of cuts instead of traditional sutures.  It dries as fast a super glue and is relatively flush to the skin, so it is less apt to irritate and create a temptation to scratch/pick.  The hardest part of the whole trip was trying to keep Henry occupied in a hospital room for 2 hours. Mommy did make an exception and let him have his beloved binkie.  You know your son has as binkie addiction when the ER doc comes in and says "you're workin' that binkie like it's your day job!"
All is right in the world again, glued back together and eating a big pile of grapes!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see he's smiling. At least you got to wait a while before the first ER visit.
