Wednesday, August 15, 2012

18 Months!!!

Henry is a serious water baby!  This is his ALL TIME favorite toy - the hose sprayer.  He never tires of playing with the hose.  On a hot summer day, this is Mommy's best friend too. : )

Henry likes to fill up containers full of water (with the hose sprayer of course, not from the water table or a bucket) and then pour it over his head.  He'll do this over and over again, or try to drink the entire container of water while it spills down the front of him.
Henry got thirsty and wanted to drink from the hose.  It took him awhile before he got the hang of spraying the nozzle close to his mouth.  He was quite satisfied with himself once he succeeded. 
 Daddy taught Henry a new trick, sticking his tongue out.  He only sticks it out half way when I stick my tongue out at him, as pictured, but when Daddy does it, his entire pointy tongue comes out and reaches almost the bottom of his chin.  Hilarious!
Henry's rockin a new crew cut.  Although I've trimmed his hair with scissors for the last 4 months, in particular around his ears, I have noticed in recent days that the hair on the back of his head was getting a little crazy.  So, Mama took out the clippers today to see how Henry would react.  Much to my surprise, he enjoyed the haircut, and the buzzing noise didn't bother him one bit.  He actually giggled most the time and even sat down on the ground so that I could finish up.  So very handsome now (as if there was ever a question). 
Saturday marked another milestone.  We retired the bottles.  He's stubborn like both his parents, so he refuses to drink as much milk as Mama would like him to, but it hasn't effected his sleep or mood, so I am trying to take it in stride and let him adjust at his own pace. 

Henry visited Dr. E today for his 18 month check-up.  Dr. E said he was very pleased at his development and that he is right on track in every category they monitor.  He said he saw no signs of autism - thank goodness.  He told me to stop worrying about his verbal communication, that he is "normal" in that category too, even though he may have a few less words than other kids his age.  He ended our visit by saying, "Henry seems VERY healthy.  See you in 6 months."  Mama was a happy camper.  Henry was a stellar shot taker as well.  He of course cried when the nurse poked him, but after I picked him up, he calmed down almost instantly, smiled and waved to the nurse. He's such a lady's man, even in the uncomfortable moments.  : )

18 month stats:

Height: 34 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 29.5 pounds (90th percentile)
Head: 48 cm (70th percentile)

Yes, it was confirmed that he indeed is still Mama's BIG bundle of joy.

1 comment:

  1. this is the post I was looking for! goooo henry! and he totally has your smile.
