Saturday, May 31, 2014

Progression of a baby bump

 14 weeks
 18 weeks
24 weeks
 29 weeks
 32 weeks
 35 weeks...

Not sure how much longer Russell will stay put.  Doc says I'm 1-2 cm dilated and 70% effaced.  He could come at any time or several weeks from now.  Only time will tell.  What I can say is that reality has definitely set in.  I am getting more and more anxious about the whole "exit strategy" part of this story.  Very excited to meet my baby boy though.  The nursery is ready and waiting for him.  When I opened the box of newborn sized diapers earlier today, I was shocked at how TINY they are.  Amazing how quickly I have forgotten just how little Henry once was...because he is HUGE now.  Case in point, he is taller and heavier than the 5 year old neighbor he met this weekend!  I am hoping to get a few more work projects buttoned up before I jet for a few months (from professional life that is), but other than that, I am feeling like I'm pretty well prepared on the work front.  Other than a bit of organizing that needs to be done around the house (created by re-purposing my craft room into the nursery), I think we are ready to welcome our new son home without too much fuss.  

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