Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happy Memorial Day

This past weekend, we took our annual trip up the cemetery with my folks to pay our respects to my Dad's parents and grandparents.  We got lucky with the weather, which was dry, because it isn't always the case this time of year.
Henry liked carrying the flags the best.  Thank you (Great)Grandma and (Great)Grandpa English for your service.  Thank you "Grandpa Jim"/Dad for your service too!  It was fun trying to explain the differences in the military branches to Henry since my grandparents served in the Navy and my dad served in the Air Force.  Henry thinks all military personnel are "Army men that shoot the bad guys."  I think he might have some learning to do.  : )
The groundskeeper at the cemetery gave Henry a lollipop.  This definitely made the trip well worth it, at least for Henry!
The long weekend was also filled with lots of time outside for Henry, chasing his remote control car and digging in Mommy's garden (much to my dismay).  Ryan barbecued ribs for me and we had a nice visit with some friends. Thank you Nick and Mary for the lovely visit, it was so great to see you guys!  I really enjoyed watching my dad play Legos and Hot Wheels with Henry, since he doesn't get very many opportunities to do now that he lives/works on the coast.  Russell's room is also finally coming together.  Ryan and my dad moved some of our furniture around this weekend, so the nursery is now starting to look like a bedroom, rather than a storage locker.  I spent last week painting the nursery (after getting the green light from my OB of course!) while Ryan was out of town.  Now I just need to hang up some pictures, do some laundry and dig out some of Henry's old baby toys and books (not that Russell will really be interested in them for a few months), and we will be ready for Russell to arrive.  I can't believe we're about to become a family of four.  Eke!!! 

1 comment:

  1. even if i don't get to see it in person, love seeing your smiling face!
