Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Times

 His smile gets me every time.  It is irresistible.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this little dude!!!
 Henry likes shoes now.  In particular Daddy's shoes.
Henry has been working on mimicking noises, mainly animal noises.  They include "oof, oof" for dog, "vvvvvvvvvvv" for airplane while he swirls his arm in the air, "rrrrrrrrr" for car, "zzzzzz, zzzzz" for bee, "nyuuuu, nyuuuuu" for cow, "wooooar" for dinosaur, and some unintelligible sound for duck.  No new words as of late, but I am encouraged he is trying to mimic more noises.  Plus, it is just too cute hearing him make the sounds for the various animals, bugs and things that move.
Bonk!  Henry is like a mini wrecking ball.  He is constantly running into things, scraping up his knees, tripping over his feet etc.  Just when one cut/bruise/scratch heals, three more arrive.  I suppose it is a sign that he's a very active boy, but he's starting to look a little like a boxer....who lost the match.
Buckles are great fun.  Henry is still incredibly inquisitive and loves to figure out how things work.  He doesn't quite have the grip strength to undo this buckle, so Mama has to lend a helping hand (like 25 times in a row).
My precious baby boy is growing up to be quite the little man.  It's completely bittersweet!  I wish I could bottle up these precious early days so I could indulge in them forever.

1 comment:

  1. he really is just so handsome. have i told you that before?
