Sunday, July 8, 2012

Nine Days in Fantasyland

I am nearing the end of nine glorious days of simply being a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend...and not a lawyer.  I didn't spend a single minute working the last nine days.  I feel refreshed.  I feel blessed. I wish it would never end.  Below are some precious moments from the past week.

We spent a good portion of the last week at the coast.  Ryan spent the first few days of the trip building a fire pit in the backyard (which I must say is AWESOME).  Henry enjoyed watching Daddy through the window, standing in Soph's food bowl.
Henry LOVES his dog!  He now runs up to her and gives her hugs.  She obliges most of the time. 
Henry enjoys the view from up high. 
My sweet baby boy is growing up TOOOOOOOOOO fast!!!!!
We hosted a BBQ for the 4th and Henry was the life of the party as usual...and a ham.
Daddy showed Henry how Pop-Its work and he had a blast.  He didn't even care if they popped in his hand or under his feet.  Quite the dare devil.
Peek-a-boo.  I see you.  Grandpa Keith knows how to show Little Man a good time.
I know I have mentioned this before, but Henry LOVES, LOVES, LOVES water.  On one of our MANY trips outside this past week I gave Henry a couple of bowls to play with and he enjoyed filling them up and dumping them over his head.  Silly man!
Henry loves giving his Grandma Sherry kisses. 

Summer is here!  The weather was finally warm enough to move the water table outside.  Henry played with the water table and hose for at least an hour straight.  Keeping a toddler's attention for more than a few minutes is an achievement, keeping a toddler entertained for an hour is a miracle.
Playing with water results in a very wet face and shirt and shorts and shoes...and anything that is sitting within a 10 foot radius of Henry. 
Henry and I visited our next door neighbor this afternoon and the kids ran through the spinklers. Henry wasn't too sure at first, but after he got the hang of it, he thought it was great fun.  The squirt bottle had to be in tow of course.

Slurp, slurp, slurp.  Like Dog, like Man's Best Friend.


  1. So much fun! I've missed you!

  2. Oh he's so cute and getting so big! I'm glad you had a great nine days off from work. I really need to try to come see you all.

  3. Hahaha the picture of Henry dumping the water bowl on his head made me laugh out loud.
