Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Thanks

5 things I'm grateful for this week:

1.  Afternoon off to celebrate my hubbie's 33rd birthday.  Chillin' in the afternoon, dinner as a family, ice cream to top it off.  Happy birthday love!!!

2.  Supportive co-workers. I was out of the office for a good portion of the month and a few very supportive co-workers helped make that time enjoyable by providing back-up coverage while I was away.

3.  BBQ.  I love that the weather is consistently dry these days because BBQ is on the menu multiple nights a week.  I have fallen in love with New Season's kabobs.  Little Man likes them too!

4.  Baby food in a pouch.  As many of you know, I take great pride in the fact I nursed Henry for an entire year and made all his baby food (except baby snacks, like Mum Mums). Recently though, as Henry has grown a bit more picky, he has developed a GREAT fondness for baby food in a pouch.  I think he really just likes sucking the puree through the built-in straw.  It is just fun to eat.  Like a smoothie.  It all started about 2 weeks ago when Grandma Sherry brought over some applesauce in a pouch.  He devoured it in less than 30 seconds.  So, we've branched out to other flavors, in particular because applesauce can back up the little one.  He equally loves the other flavors.  As much as I cringe at the waste of the packaging, I like the fact he's getting more fruits and veggies in his diet without much effort on my part.  I continue to offer lots of "real" big boy food, but it brings a smile to my face at how excited he gets when he sees the baby food in a pouch.  Who would have guessed!?!

5.  Sleeping in my own bed.  As grateful as I am for the wonderful time off on vacation, I definitely prefer to sleep in my own bed.  I sleep sounder, more comfortably.  Sleep does a body good!

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