Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Little Man turned ONE yesterday!!! Thank you Saundra for the cool birthday shirt.

Remarkably, I fall more deeply in love with my son every day. Who knew it was humanly possible to feel this much love for another human. Motherhood is truly amazing.

I LOOOOOOOVE CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Music man in the making. Henry loves music. When he hears a jingle he likes he even move his hips back and forth or bounces up and down to dance to the tune. Cutest thing ever. His FAVORITE, FAVORITE birthday present he received was a lollipop drum Daddy picked out for him. He is literally obsessed with the drum. He will pay with it for hours. No joking. If you take it away, he even throws a tantrum. Yes, tantrums have started. Joy.

This is one of Henry's new tricks, sticking out his tongue. Totally cracks me up.

Henry is battling a bit of a cold this week. No big surprise since Mom and Dad have both been sick the last couple of weeks. It didn't stop him from celebrating in his birthday grand style. He loved having his family over on Saturday for his birthday party. He was fortunate to have both sets of grandparents, his Aunt Sarah, Uncle Mike, Cousins Mason and Stella, and his Great Aunt Karen and Great Aunt Teresa all there to celebrate his first birthday. What a loved little boy! Clearly, the chocolate pudding cake with cream cheese frosting was his favorite part. I don't know where he gets that from...hehehehe. On his actual birthday, Mama made waffles, bacon and raspberries for breakfast. Henry was one happy camper. Funny how food is a common theme here. : )

Henry went to see Dr. E today for his one year check-up, and the doc indeed confirmed Henry is still a big boy. : )


Weight: 24 pounds, 5 ounces. 90th percentile.

Height: 31 inches. 90th percentile.

Head: 18.5 inches. 75th percentile.

The doc also noted that Henry is right on target for all other developmental milestones. I couldn't be prouder. AND...drum roll...cow's milk (I repeat, cow's milk) is the recommended beverage for Henry now. I have officially weaned Henry. I pumped for the very last time tonight. I no longer have to schedule my life around pumping. Yippeeeeeee! Freedom at last. I will note though, that like all other things mother related, it is bittersweet to be ending this chapter in some ways. I am incredibly proud of persevering and nursing Henry for his entire first year, except for one 6oz bottle of formula. The road was bumpy, particularly the first few months, but I am so happy I kept at it. I feel like Henry is healthier for it. And when I look at my son, I can say in large part, I sustained his life for the past year. AMAZING! This is probably the thing I am most proud of accomplishing this last year. Funny thing is, it will be the absolute last thing Henry will want to think about when he's all grown up.


  1. Thank you for posting the photo of Henry sticking his tongue out. It made me smile, which I definitely needed! I miss you all! Take care and hugs all around.

  2. here's the stats I was looking for! i love that little boy! oh lordy, if 24 lbs is 90th percentile for boys at age 1, i dread seeing what sienna will be. girl is already over 21 lbs! yikes!
