Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I am an addict.

Not a substance addict... although, perhaps an addict of sugar and caffeine...but not a classic substance abuser.

I am addicted to planning. I am addicted to setting goals. I like the feeling of control a plan provides me. My happiness adviser (some may call her a therapist) has informed me that having a plan for EVERYTHING (especially 20 or more years out) may be stagnating my personal growth. Perhaps she is right. But I NEED to have a plan. My happiness adviser would challenge that thinking since I seem to also NEED a happiness adviser (so perhaps my way isn't as successful by way of finding happiness), but that is a story for another day.  I'm stubborn.  I like to have things my way.

I am an addict.

I am trying to move (using baby steps) toward recovery.

To live more in the present. To embrace spontaneity. This won't be easy (because I am an ADDICT!).

My first baby step has been to stop focusing on 20 (or more) years and now I am focused on 10(ish) years. Doubtful my happiness adviser would approve, but hey, it's a start. This is a big step for an addict like myself.

In very simple terms, my 10(ish) year plan boils down to one thing: Retire.

Ok, ok, that may sound crazy because I won't be "old enough" to retire in 10 years. But, I am challenging myself to think outside the box. I am inspired to step away from the ordinary.  I'm not saying I won't ever work again for money, but I plan to leave the legal profession and no longer "have to" work for money.  In 10 years. 10ish maybe.  I call it "retirement" rather than "quitting" because after spending 20 years in a profession, I feel like it rises to the level of retirement.  I'm not "quitting" after 20 years!  Quitters don't invest 20 years into anything.  At this point, after 10 years of practicing, I wouldn't call myself a quitter.  Perhaps a career changer, since I would "have to" continue working for money, but not a quitter.  

I figure if I put my plan onto paper (or in this case, the Internet), perhaps I will be more apt to hold myself accountable. To actually achieve this goal. As crazy as it may sound initially.

Here are some of the things I want to accomplish in the next 10(ish) years that will hopefully move me closer to achieving this goal (and not compromise our family goals): 

1. Pay off not 1, not 2, but 3 mortgages. Yup, a BIG (daunting) financial goal, but I think doable. 
2. Save up and travel abroad with the family, multiple times. 
3. Save "enough" to send my kids to college. Does anyone really know how much is "enough???"
4. Acquire skills for things I may want to pursue in "retirement," like hobby farming, writing, teaching, fundraising (for charity), etc. 
5. Become a runner (this really has nothing to do with retirement, but it's something I have wanted to do (become) for a long time, but continue to make excuses for why I "can't") 
6. Learn to the play the piano (again, really has nothing to do with retirement, but also something I have always wanted to do, but continue to make excuses for why I "can't") 

Well, I have now put it out there for the world to see. My new 10(ish) year plan. I'll keep you posted on my progress. I'm feeling motivated. I'm feeling optimistic.  Hopeful for the future. Dreaming of the possibilities in retirement.

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