Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Four Months - Lots of Smiles

Yup, I can't get enough of that smile!  Love, love, love it! Russ is four months today.  Man, oh man, how time flies!  We visited Dr. E this morning and he stated "He looks great!  I don't have any concerns.  He's developing right on track."  Music to a mama's ears.  Here are his current measurements:

Height: 26 1/8 inches - approx. 80th percentile
Weight: 14lbs 7oz - approx. 30th percentile
Head: 16 7/8 inches- approx. 55th percentile

As far as other developments, he is getting sturdier by the day.  His head flops around less and less each day.  He's a drool monger.  He's like a faucet these days!  He can roll from tummy to back and back to tummy, but hasn't mastered the 360 degree rollover yet (but I'm in no hurry for him to start rolling off the bed).  He's also a big flirt, smiling at all the ladies.  He loves for the attention in the room to be centered on him and if it isn't, he creates such a ruckus with what I call his pterodactyl screech that the attention soon moves right to him.  He's an inconsistent napper and sleeper, but he technically sleeps "through the night" according to the experts, because he generally sleeps at least five hours straight.  Those experts are nuts if they think five hours is a "good night sleep!"  Russ loves his big brother Henry and Henry loves him back.  I had no idea how much fun it would be to watch the two of them bond.  I'm amazed at how easily my heart expanded to love another child as much as I love my Little Mister Russ.  And I love Henry even more now (which I didn't think was possible) for loving his little brother.  Family - it completes me.

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