Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Birthday Week at the Beach

Last week we spent the week at the beach. It also happened to be my birthday. I thought it was the perfect way to celebrate. Russ liked the fresh sea air and the wind didn't bother him a bit (Henry hated the wind as an infant).
 Henry is such a water baby.  The freezing temperature of the ocean doesn't phase him in the least!
In Henry's book, it isn't a proper trip to the beach until you get covered in sand from nose to toes, literally.
 A little father-son bonding time. Brings me joy to watch.
 His smile was my favorite birthday present!
Watching Henry and Daddy walk hand-in-hand warms my heart. This was also the evening we spread the ashes of our beloved Sophie. She loved the beach more than anywhere else, so I am glad that it is her final resting place.
My folks came for a visit as well and Henry recruited Grandpa Jim to build him a Lego monster truck transporter. Legos are now Henry's number one favorite toy.

Little Mister kept Mommy on her toes as he spent more time awake. It is yet to be determined if those beautiful eyes will ultimately be blue (like his Daddy's eyes) or brown (like his Mommy's eyes). He has started to smile now, but I have yet to capture a good one in a photo.

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