Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Someone Turned Three!

Yup, Henry turned three years old this past Valentine's Day.  Where oh where does time go!?!  We visited Dr. E earlier this week and he confirmed that Henry is indeed a BIG BOY.  He measured in at 39lbs 8oz (97th percentile) and 40.5 inches (97th percentile).  Blood pressure and BMI were both normal/healthy.  Dr. E said he is developing right on track and appears quite healthy.  He did refer us to a physical therapist though because Henry has developed a bit of a habit of walking on his toes.  He doesn't do it all the time, but fairly regularly.  At this point, there are no signs of anything serious.  To be cautious though, we are going to get him checked out by a pediatric physical therapist, to hopefully squash this habit sooner rather than later so it doesn't lead to bigger issues down the road.  Apparently, most habitual toe walkers out-grow the habit by 5, but in an abundance of caution, we'll go see the experts.  If nothing else, it will be another excuse to encourage Henry to follow directions (which he could use some additional practice at, as most three year olds could use).  Not only is Henry physically big, he has an equally bigger than life personality these days.  His imagination blows me away.  We are submersed in the world of pretend, which I love.  It is so much fun to watch him develop and share in his daily joy and humor. Cheers to the last three years.  I'm so looking forward to the next three and beyond!

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