Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hopes for 2014

Hello 2014!  A new year brings new beginnings.  A time to reflect on the past and a time to plan for the future.  I usually make resolutions this time of year, but this year, I will set forth hopes for the year, rather than resolutions.  This way, I will remain optimistic all year rather than beat myself up for not fulfilling my resolutions. 

Here are my hopes for this year:

Experience an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth with Jellybean #2. {So far, so good.}

Welcome a healthy new Jellybean into our family.

Enjoy my maternity leave, warding off postpartum depression.

Relax.  Count more moments than minutes.

Continue to make time for Me and Us.

To live more authentically.  

To sum it up, I hope to find more peace and contentment this year (as it's been for the last few years).  What I find, for me, is that peace and contentment do not come naturally.  It takes work.  A lot of work.  I've made progress.  Good progress.  I begin this year with the hope of finding it once and for all, or perhaps at least get a little closer.


  1. Cheers to a new year! I wish you so many days of joy and wonder! And of course I can't wait to come for another visit to meet baby number 2 and play with my main man Henry. Miss you!
