Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Day

This week we received our first snow of the year. Henry loved the feel of snowflakes hitting him in the face. Mama stayed home with Henry on Tuesday morning and tried to work while he ransacked the house. He literally took EVERY book off the bookshelf and unloaded all of the toy bins. You would have thought we had been robbed by the way the house looked when he was done, but I was able to get some work done and Henry didn't kill (or hurt) himself. He clearly enjoyed himself. : )

Henry stole Soph's toy and made a run for it! I am so grateful to have such a patient, gentle dog. They are best friends now that Henry can feed Soph Cheerios from his high chair. He giggles when she licks his fingers.

Smiley little man. It's no wonder his Mama is OBSESSED with him!!!

Henry can now stand on his own for 10-15 seconds. He (and his Mama) are quite proud. He is definately getting all the peices of walking down. One of these days he will put them altogether and be strolling around the house...let me take that back, running and bouncing off the walls. He also learned how to flush the toilet this week. I was getting ready for work a few days ago and forgot to close the toilet room door and all of a sudden I hear the toilet running. Thinking that something fishy was going on with the toilet I go in the toilet room and there Henry is with a HUGE grin on his face jiggling the toilet handle. Silly little man. Speaking of bathrooms, he also loves, loves, loves unrolling the toilet paper. If he gets his hands on just one square of toilet paper he thinks it is great fun to shred it into many tiny peices before trying to eat them.

Other than traffic being a nightmare because of the weather, this was a good week for Mom. I got my written performance evaluation for 2011 and it was quite complimentary. When feeling stressed (as I have been for awhile now) at work, it is nice to be recognized and complimented on your efforts. Now I'm anxiously awaiting for them to show me the money! Kind of unlikely since I work for a regulated utility, but if there are any pay raises (however small) approved, I should be elgible. Any money is better than no money. My new housekeeper started on Friday as well, and all I have to say is, I LOVE the fact that I don't have to clean my house this weekend!!!!! I also started planning my garden for this upcoming spring/summer. I want to build some trellises in the backyard and do some more container gardening. I think I am slowly starting to feel a little more like my old self again and my interests (like gardening, crafting etc.) don't feel so much like chores anymore. It is feels good to start feeling a bit more "normal."


  1. You do it all! run after a little one who is almost ready to run himself, and then do awesome at work! that's just part of the reason why i adore you so. ; )

  2. Yeah for snow days! I love that Henry is so smiley. He cheers me up. :)
