Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Snow, in March!!!

Who would have ever guessed, snow in March!!! We woke up to more than an inch this morning.

Who ever said magazines were for reading? Henry MUCH prefers the sound of the pages ripping. Whahhhaahahahaha!

Henry learned how to use a straw this past weekend. Now he thinks his water cup is super awesome. I am sure he is going to start demanding to drink my iced coffee in the summer time (I may have to switch back to decaf). He is up to walking 10-12 steps at a time now. I'm so proud of him. It is a blast watching him learn how to walk, he gets SO excited when he takes a few steps on his own. Endless entertainment.

As for Mom, I am on the up-swing of another cycle of what I call "the vicious cycle of want." I don't know what is wrong with me, but I always want something different. I struggle to just be content. To be at peace. Perhaps this a pitfall of being a Type-A personality. Always focused. Always driving toward a goal. Always wanting. The problem with this vicious cycle of want, is that it results in unhappiness. It is a toxic mindset. I so desperately want it to stop, but how? I'm not sure I have an answer (yet), but I do recognize that happiness is a choice. I wake up everyday and have a choice to be happy or unhappy. Unfortunately, because I'm always wanting something different (e.g. to be 50's era mom...my current obsession...well okay, for the last 13 months obsession) I by default choose to be unhappy. Why am I wasting so much time being unhappy?

So, I've decided to commit, to focus, on choosing to be happy. I may fail some days, but I can't continue to want, to wish for a different life. Otherwise, I'll wake up when I'm 80 and realize I've wished, wanted, my life away (which I really DON'T want). My reality is that I am a working mom. Embrace it. Nurture it. Love it. Perhaps I can't have 40+ hours a week to embrace all my non-professional interests (mainly my son), but I can enjoy many of the things that make me happy on the fringes. If I can capture more of those happy moments, I think I will find true happiness.

This week I've decided to start capturing more of those happy moments (rather than just wallowing in my want). I have used more of my "free" time (i.e. time after Henry goes to bed) to pursue some of my non-professional, non-mommy interests. For example, I ran 5k last night on the treadmill. I've never been an athlete, but have always felt insecure about not being an athlete. I used to jog before I had Henry and it made me feel less insecure about the fact I've never been an athlete. So, I got on the treadmill and ran. I think I'm going to work up to 10k. Maybe I'll even sign up for a race at some point. I also spent some time crocheting a baby beanie for a girlfriend who is due next month. I began finishing a desk that has been sitting in the garage for the 4-5 months. I finished reading my first book of the year, Everyday Sacred. And, I made homemade chicken/rice soup and a batch of whole wheat chocolate chip banana muffins (in my continuing pursuit of perfecting a healthier, moist muffin). I'll post the recipe in a separate post (Henry LOVES them). Yes, classic domestic acts make me happy.

Cheers, to finding everyday happiness!

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