Henry learned how to use a straw this past weekend. Now he thinks his water cup is super awesome. I am sure he is going to start demanding to drink my iced coffee in the summer time (I may have to switch back to decaf). He is up to walking 10-12 steps at a time now. I'm so proud of him. It is a blast watching him learn how to walk, he gets SO excited when he takes a few steps on his own. Endless entertainment.
As for Mom, I am on the up-swing of another cycle of what I call "the vicious cycle of want." I don't know what is wrong with me, but I always want something different. I struggle to just be content. To be at peace. Perhaps this a pitfall of being a Type-A personality. Always focused. Always driving toward a goal. Always wanting. The problem with this vicious cycle of want, is that it results in unhappiness. It is a toxic mindset. I so desperately want it to stop, but how? I'm not sure I have an answer (yet), but I do recognize that happiness is a choice. I wake up everyday and have a choice to be happy or unhappy. Unfortunately, because I'm always wanting something different (e.g. to be 50's era mom...my current obsession...well okay, for the last 13 months obsession) I by default choose to be unhappy. Why am I wasting so much time being unhappy?
So, I've decided to commit, to focus, on choosing to be happy. I may fail some days, but I can't continue to want, to wish for a different life. Otherwise, I'll wake up when I'm 80 and realize I've wished, wanted, my life away (which I really DON'T want). My reality is that I am a working mom. Embrace it. Nurture it. Love it. Perhaps I can't have 40+ hours a week to embrace all my non-professional interests (mainly my son), but I can enjoy many of the things that make me happy on the fringes. If I can capture more of those happy moments, I think I will find true happiness.
This week I've decided to start capturing more of those happy moments (rather than just wallowing in my want). I have used more of my "free" time (i.e. time after Henry goes to bed) to pursue some of my non-professional, non-mommy interests. For example, I ran 5k last night on the treadmill. I've never been an athlete, but have always felt insecure about not being an athlete. I used to jog before I had Henry and it made me feel less insecure about the fact I've never been an athlete. So, I got on the treadmill and ran. I think I'm going to work up to 10k. Maybe I'll even sign up for a race at some point. I also spent some time crocheting a baby beanie for a girlfriend who is due next month. I began finishing a desk that has been sitting in the garage for the 4-5 months. I finished reading my first book of the year, Everyday Sacred. And, I made homemade chicken/rice soup and a batch of whole wheat chocolate chip banana muffins (in my continuing pursuit of perfecting a healthier, moist muffin). I'll post the recipe in a separate post (Henry LOVES them). Yes, classic domestic acts make me happy.
Cheers, to finding everyday happiness!
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