Henry and I checked out the Children's Museum today with my friend Shira and her daughter Jade (who is just a week older than Henry). Henry was completely at home when he arrived. He LOVES to explore and he loves to watch other kids. You can't tell from this picture, but Henry made friends with a very precocious 6 year old girl in the Dig Pit at the Children's Museum. He was completely enamored by her. So neat to see how children indiscriminately make friends (at least at this age), immediately, with one another.

Henry really enjoys pushing buttons. Henry thought this keyboard at the Children's Museum was AWESOME!!! It took some convincing to prie him away and give the other kids a turn.

Henry throughly enjoys water. This exhibit at the Children's Museum includes a continual stream of water for the little one's to splash. This was by far and away Henry's favorite part of the trip.

Like I said, Henry had a grand 'ol time. I don't think anyone who was within 10 feet stayed dry!

As I've mentioned in recent posts, I've been trying to carve out a little "me time" in an effort to feel more balanced. During some recent "me time," this is what I made. My girlfriend is due with their second child (yes, a girl) in just a few weeks. I hope she likes this beanie. I also plan to sew a baby blanket to go with this hat, but we will see how successful I am. I really struggle to sew in a straight line. : ) It's the thought that counts, right!?! I've also been trying out new recipes of late to embrace my love of cooking. On the menu tonight is Chipolte Stewed Beef with Cheddar Grits. Yum (well, at least I think it will be yum)!
I still cannot get over that towhead.