This last weekend the family went to the coast. We totally lucked out weather-wise, it was dry and the winds were calm. Henry loves to watch Soph chase after her floaty toy and go swimming in the ocean. He is super focused on whatever she is doing. It is fun to watch him take in his surroundings. Taking recliner photos of him is getting more and more challenging as he tries to instantly escape the chair as soon as I sit him down. However, he figured out that the recliner rocks back and forth on this trip, which he thought was great fun. I am looking forward to summer and frequenting our local park's swing set, I'm fairly confident he will love the swings (just as his Mama did as a kid).
This has been an exciting milestone week for Henry. He took two-three consecutive independent steps, multiple times today. He has started to steer his walker a lot better this week too. I am always amazed at how strong he is. He just picks up the walker and places it in the direction he wishes to go (sure it is a bit clunky, but he still can do it on his own). Over the weekend we discovered that Henry LOVES smoked salmon...well, at least Carla's Red Chinook salmon right out of the smoker. Really, who doesn't like smoked salmon right out of the smoker!?! He has also started to tip his head back when he drinks out of his sippy cup so I don't have to always hold it up for him. Crazy how fast kids pick up new skills. Funny how mundane, everyday tasks that I used to take for granted are now completely fascinating to me (that is if Henry is doing them).
look at him in the drawers! ha ha! miss you, friend!!!! walk soon!