Henry is a crawling machine now. He is all over the place. His new trick is to go from crawling to sitting to crawling again. He is developing so quickly, it is mind boggling. He also has become quite opinionated about stuff. He wants to hold (and eat) anything that I have in my hands, trash bags, newspaper, light bulbs, Windex, whatever. If he can't have it (because it isn't safe, or just plain gross) he screams...LOUDLY.
Halloween was a bit of a whirlwind. Henry started his morning off at Grandma Sherry's school. I think the kids got a kick out of having their teacher's grandkids come for a visit, in costume. Daddy brought Henry to Mommy's work to show him off. He was the talk of the day. : ) That afternoon we went over to Jeff and Vanessa's house for a kid costume party. We were a little early, so we didn't see many other kids in costume, but it was fun to see Jeff and Vanessa (and their two boys). Their next door neighbor Finn was over as well, who is just 2 months older than Henry. They had a nice game of keep-away with a plastic strawberry and hot dog. That evening, Henry and I went back home to pass out candy to the neighborhood kids and hit the sack at a reasonable hour.
On the food front, Henry has been trying big boy food. The other night, Henry wasn't digging the pureed food I had made, even though it was stuff he usually likes (avocados and sweet potatoes). So, I thought perhaps he might want to try what I was eating for dinner (beef stew). He LOVED all the different bits of stew I gave him. We started with the beef, then the carrots, then the potatoes, and ended with peas. All cut into TINY, TINY pieces. I am still super nervous he is going to choke, for goodness sake he only has two teeth. The next morning he was eyeing my Cheerios so we gave them a whirl too. He thought they were awesome and was not thrilled that I got the last bite. : ) Last night he actually ate a fairly good dinner of pureed stuff (beets with corn, sweet potatoes and roasted cauliflower) but he seemed pretty fascinated with my dinner (butternut squash mac n' cheese with broccolini and hot italian sausage). So, I cut up some of the noodles and broccolini and he was in HEAVEN. Yum-o. I love that he is so willing to try new foods and it is exciting that I might not have to keep pureeing everything. Henry also tried yogurt this week. He seems to be handling the dairy just fine. Thank goodness, no food allergies to report. : )
Gosh, Henry is growing up so fast. How in the world can I slow down the clock!?!
ha ha ! love that first picture of him! and sienna has her first tooth, too! and yay for no food allergies!
ReplyDeleteAwww big boy!!! I need to see him again before he's a teenager!! I love that he's so good with food!
ReplyDeleteI love the monkey costume! He's growing up too fast. I need to come for a visit soon.