Today Henry visited Dr. E for his 9 month check up. Dr. E observed that Henry was "quite a healthy boy." He also commented: "I think you are growing a linebacker here."
Henry's 9 month stats:
Weight: 22lbs 4.5oz (89th percentile)
Height: 29.5 inches long (85th percentile)
Head: 18 cm (75th percentile)...all those who have said Henry has a big head are WRONG!!! : ) He is perfectly proportional.
Dr. E said that Henry is right on target developmentally and said that he wouldn't be surprised if Henry starts standing on his own and cruising around the house holding onto furniture soon.
Other updates for the week: Henry got his third tooth!!! He also started pulling himself up to his knees. He's getting more and more verbal by the day. New sounds for the week include "baba" "gege" "boowa" and "wawa". He still routinely says "mama" and "dada" (which just melts my heart). We have had to start reading board books exclusively because Henry thinks books are for eating and/or ripping, even though I constantly tell him that "books are for reading, not for eating." His favorites this week include Otis and Chicka Chicka abc. We have been trying more and more big boy foods, including pizza tonight (okay, really just peices of chicken, spinach, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, zucchini and cheese). Yum...what a treat. He also was a big fan of corn and yams this week. We now have officially installed two of the three new car seats. This weekend we will probably finish the process and get the new one installed in Ryan's truck. Amazing how I think I will complete things in a weekend and in reality it takes me three weeks or more to finally get around to the task. But hey, at least it's done now. I think Henry prefers the big boy car seats. They sit slightly more up right, even though still in the rear facing position.
yay for getting the car seats installed! Do they work okay? worn in all comfy, and all? and three toofers?!?! yay! Brae also loved the Chicka Chicka boom boom books.