Wednesday, February 12, 2014

XX or XY

Let me set the record straight, I suck at gender prediction.  I thought Henry was a girl before I found out he was a boy.  I also was convinced the Jellybean was a girl, until I was proven wrong yesterday, AGAIN.  Indeed, we are expecting another baby boy to join our family!  I can not tell you how excited I am!!!  I am over the moon, obsessive, crazy excited.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE LITTLE BOYS!  Our house may be destroyed by the end of this adventure, but I am certain every scratch, dent, hole, stain, damaged fixture and torn up yard will be worth it, a thousand times over.  Bring on the mayhem!!!


  1. yup. definitely looks like a boy. i think it's hilarious that you, as a SUPER clean and organized mama, is going to have 2 boys that will build forts, pee in closets, and use curtains as capes. goooooo mama!

  2. Yeah for another little boy! Congrats!
