Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tomatoes and Peppers

Last Friday, I took a half day off of work to go tomato and pepper picking with Henry and my mom.  We had such a good time and we had near perfect weather for picking produce, overcast and about 68 degrees.
As we approached a crossroad, I asked Henry which way we should turn.  He said "hmmmmmm" while bringing his finger to his face as he contemplated.  He does this pretty often when he is thinking, and I think it is super cute.  He also will bring his hand to his ear when he is trying to figure out what a noise is and ask "whazzz that noisy???"
 While pepper picking, Henry thought it would be way more fun to sprinkle the plants with dirt instead.
 I can't get enough of this little dude!  Happy, happy.
After picking tomatoes and peppers, I spent the next day and a half canning various things.  I made a small batch of pear sauce with pears from my mom's garden, a small batch of pickles (since I still have a dozen jars from last year...but we get through more than 20 jars last year), and larger batches of pickled jalapeno rings and lots of canned tomatoes.  My mom used her half of the 80 lbs of tomatoes we picked in her dehydrator.  They were absolutely delicious.  This upcoming weekend I plan to try making some homemade spaghetti sauce with a jar of the canned tomatoes.  Spaghetti is one of Henry's favorite dinner selections.


  1. i about fell off my chair with that first pic of henry. since when did he start looking like a legitimate boy and not a baby boy?!?!?!

  2. That is a crazy amount of canning! I love it! I managed to make 12 jars of huckleberry freezer jam (which is more like syrup), but that's nothing compared to you. Miss you!
