Thursday, March 14, 2013

Smiley Thursday

 So happy to see you Mama!
 Daddy's shoes are awesome.  Henry loves to put Ryan's shoes on but he really struggles to walk in them, which usually results in vocal frustration from Henry.  It's quite entertaining for Mama.
CHASE ME.  This is probably Henry's favorite game right now.  He often still chases after me with his "dee dee" (an old car charger). 
 When Henry gets tired of running around from chase, he ducks under the table for cover.  I usually pretend that I don't know where he went and we play hide and seek under the table, which really amounts to me walking around the table asking "where did Henry go???" only to hear him giggle from under the table.  Then I peer under the table and he busts up laughing.  Then says "MORE."

 This time he armed himself with his shovel.
 Enjoying some fun at the beach on a dry Saturday morning.  Sophie was in dog-heaven that morning, running free and splashing in the waves.  She may be nearing 8, but she still acts like a puppy at the beach.
Ice cream makes everyone happy.  This day Henry decided mint chocolate chip ice cream was the only acceptable flavor that would do (I really wanted chocolate...guess who won the debate).  Just so happens that it was Ryan's favorite flavor as a little guy too. 
 This is what you get when you show Henry that he can take his picture with your new iPhone. 
This too...silly goose!

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