Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday Thanks

Here are some highlights of the recent things I am thankful for:

* Bowling with Ryan.  I totally kicked his butt and beat him (at least in one game...we won't talk about the other game).
* Finding a lender who is willing to refinance my beach house.  I'm cautiously optimistic...the loan isn't closed yet.
* Encountering a responsible teenager, who admitted fault when he rear-ended me.  A shiny new bumper is in my future.
* Coffee date with Ryan.
* Ryan bringing Little Man downtown to have lunch with me.  Plus cookies...yum-O.
* Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Keith watching Henry overnight.
* Shamrock Run.  I made it 8k without stopping. Can I call myself a runner now???
* Grilled salmon.  I love BBQ.
* Coming home to a scene of Henry on his bike with his neighbor friend Wyatt.
* Playing with the Ko kids.  Henry's BFFs.
* Dry walks in the neighborhood.  Sophie greatly appreciates this too.
* Stickers.  Henry is obsessed!
* Building railroads with Henry. 
* Chase, chase, chase.  Henry's giggle while he is being chased is priceless.
* Getting back to the gym after 25 months off. : ) 
* Lunch with Emilie.  She makes me want to farm ever more.
* Wonton soup.  So quick and delicious to make.
* Lunch with the Hubbie at one of our favorite cafes.
* Reading and finishing a novel.
* Flexibility to work remotely.
* Practicing the piano.  So grateful my piano instructor is patient with me.  I am SLOWLY getting better.  I can play a few tunes and know a few chords.  Progress!
* Lunch-time walk with Britney.
* A few nights of 8 hours of sleep.  Can't say it happens on most nights, but when it does, it is blissful.

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