Proud Little Man. He discovered his race track parts move and make clicking noises. You can imagine what happened next. Up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down...up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down....up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down...I think you get the idea. When he learns a new skill that is NOISY, he likes to practice A LOT. Henry has become increasingly inquisitive. He loves to study how things work, take things apart, place objects in containers (just to take them out again), and he's started to build things with his blocks (and today he used his breakfast toast and kiwi chunks as blocks as well).
Henry likes to play peek-a-boo/hide-and-seek. He likes to "hide" behind the couch and then "appear" around the corner. Of course he is giggling and squealing the whole time. Totally cracks me up! The game is even more fun if Mama chants "where's Henry, where did Henry go?"
Mama's helper. Henry LOVES the dishwasher. If the dishwasher is open, I can guarantee Henry will rush toward it. He is overjoyed if there is silverware to remove and "reorganize." Once the dishwasher is emptied and you close the door, it usually results in a very vocal protest by Henry. Who would have guessed a kitchen appliance could be so entertaining.
April has brought AMAZING weather on the weekends. We just enjoyed the third sunny weekend in a row. It was 82 degrees on Sunday! We of course had the A/C running because we all know I melt in the heat. : ) In all actuality, we spent a lot of time outdoors these last few weekends, playing at the park, going for walks with Soph, doing yard work, BBQ'ing, and hanging out with our neighbors. This last weekend, Ryan and I also enjoyed two evenings out on the town with friends. A nice treat.
Henry has always preferred to be outside rather than inside, but now he is starting to communicate his desire to be outside, even though he doesn't know how to say any words yet (other than "Mama" and "Dada"). He will run to the back door and loudly say "UH UH UH" and bang his hand on the door, or go to the garage door and reach for the door nob and similarly loudly say "UH UH UH." The other day at Grandma O's house, Henry picked up his shoes and went to her garage door and started saying "UH UH UH". Problem solving. Gotta love it.
Henry's newest accomplishment is learning how to stand, from a seated position. I think he might officially be a toddler now, but I'm going to hang onto the wobbler stage for just a bit longer.
have so much fun at the beach! love that you are in sienna's swim class! henry is a babe.