Other updates:
Henry is growing again! His 18 month clothes are fitting really well now. Okay, maybe some of his pants are a little long, but his 18 month onsies fit perfectly. How did my baby get so big so quickly!!!
The last week+ he has been battling a stomach bug. Poor guy has a horrendous diaper rash as a result. We've been really lucky for several months with no diaper rash, so I forgot how bad I feel when he is suffering. All the anxieties I felt during the first couple months of his life with a severe diaper rash came flooding back this week. It just breaks my heart to hear him cry when I change him. So, we've been just washing off in the tub when Mommy is home, it is kind of like his own personal bidet service care of Ma. No crying that way. : ) I also let him nap without a diaper this morning...daring.
Henry is walking with assistance better and better everyday and cruising around furniture. The stairs remain his favorite jungle gym. He knows he isn't suppose to go up them unsupervised, so he will crawl over to them, climb up a couple and then look over his shoulder to see if you are watching. Once you make eye contact he starts to giggle. Sneaky boy. He also learned how to open cabinets and drawers recently. Watch out, hide all your unmentionables and/or junk. Otherwise, Henry will be sure to find them, and then try to either destroy them or eat them. Since Henry's tummy has been bothering him, his doc said to go heavy on the starchy foods. He hasn't had a great appetite the last couple of days, but Mama made waffles this morning, and he was in hog heaven! A man after my own heart. Henry is also VERY verbal. I can't wait for him to start forming words.
As for Mom, I'm doing relatively well. Work has been particularly stressful the last month or so. January historically is a slower month, so I am hopeful that I can reorganize my desk and gain a more positive perspective about work. I only made three new year's resolutions this year: (1) simplify; (2) find peace about being a working mom; and (3) eat more fish. First on my list, in an attempt to achieve (1) and (2) I interviewed a housekeeper this morning. For those of you who know my husband, "letting" me hire a housekeeper is a HUGE (I repeat HUGE) concession on his part. I get the impression he thinks that only lazy and/or pompous and pretentious people have housekeepers. Call me lazy and/or pompous and pretentious, hiring a housekeeper will give me at least a day of waking time back to me to be with my son a month...that is nearly two weeks a year. I NEED more waking time with Henry. This is one way to help me accomplish that. All in all, I am optimistic about the year to come. I suspect it will be filled with many new adventures, much laughter, and I am sure I will grow even more fond of my son (if that is even possible!). Another plus, only 5 more weeks of nursing (although a part of me will probably miss all the close bonding time with Henry). A little curious how I am going to manage pumping in a Seatac airport ladies room next week when I am there for work, but I'm sure I'll make it work one way or another.
Happy New Year!!!
I love your posts, but love even more that I get to hear most of these things firsthand. Love being your friend. ; )
ReplyDeleteI hope you can find a housekeeper you like. That will be a nice help for you and will probably help de-stress both you and Ryan. :) I hope Henry feels better soon! Miss you!