Henry LOVES riding on Daddy's shoulders, hence the big grin. We visited Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Keith on Christmas Eve afternoon. They hosted a very nice party with the extended family. There was lots of good food and company. It is always fun to see Grandpa Keith's HUGE tree, which makes Grandma Sherry crazy, but I think it's fun. Henry enjoyed the dancing stuffed animals and reading books with his cousin Stella. He of course liked all the attention that his many aunties and grown-up cousins gave him. He is a much loved little boy.
Christmas Day we visited Daddy at the fire station. Henry enjoyed meeting some new people and getting out the house. He has turned out to be quite the social little guy. On Monday we went to visit the Chapman family, including their four kids, in McMinnville. We had a such a good time playing and catching up. Andrew, the Chapman's third in line, LOVES babies...and Henry was no exception. It was SO sweet to watch Andrew play with Henry and show him around the house.
The best part of the weekend was that Mommy didn't have to work. The only downer of the weekend was that Daddy did have to work two of the days. So goes the life of a fire fighter. The trade-off is that he gets lots of other time with Henry that most dad's don't, so I'm not complaining (well, okay, perhaps I just did complain a little).
By way of other Henry updates, he has found the joy of the stairs. He will do anything to climb up them, over...and over...and over again. It makes me a little nervous, but I suppose he will have to learn sometime. He is standing and cruising around furniture better and better every day. He can crawl at lightning speed. Henry now protests every diaper change and wants to play King of the Mountain on the changing table instead. He developed his first fever (low grade) today and got a taste of his first dose of baby Advil. Poor little man (he actually seems fine...it is sad for Mommy though). All in all, he's still a very smiley, giggle little man. I couldn't be happier with his development and easy-going demeanor. It helps that he still adores his Mama...just as his Mama loves him!
foam blocks! what fun! ah yes, the stairs. if it helps at all, the first time brae fell down the stairs was actually well after he was able to walk and get up and down them by himself. he was just going too fast and trip. all to say that you can only do so much to protect your baby boy!
ReplyDeleteBig smiles all around! I love the blocks! I will have to come and play. Happy New Year! I wish I could have gotten together with you and Jen. Hopefully we can all do that soon.