Friday, November 18, 2011

9 Month Check-up

Mmm...mmm...eyeballs. Oh so tasty!

Boys and their toys. Anything with wheels are a hit.

I'm coming to get you Mommy.

What a flirt!!!

Today Henry visited Dr. E for his 9 month check up. Dr. E observed that Henry was "quite a healthy boy." He also commented: "I think you are growing a linebacker here."

Henry's 9 month stats:

Weight: 22lbs 4.5oz (89th percentile)

Height: 29.5 inches long (85th percentile)

Head: 18 cm (75th percentile)...all those who have said Henry has a big head are WRONG!!! : ) He is perfectly proportional.

Dr. E said that Henry is right on target developmentally and said that he wouldn't be surprised if Henry starts standing on his own and cruising around the house holding onto furniture soon.

Other updates for the week: Henry got his third tooth!!! He also started pulling himself up to his knees. He's getting more and more verbal by the day. New sounds for the week include "baba" "gege" "boowa" and "wawa". He still routinely says "mama" and "dada" (which just melts my heart). We have had to start reading board books exclusively because Henry thinks books are for eating and/or ripping, even though I constantly tell him that "books are for reading, not for eating." His favorites this week include Otis and Chicka Chicka abc. We have been trying more and more big boy foods, including pizza tonight (okay, really just peices of chicken, spinach, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, zucchini and cheese). Yum...what a treat. He also was a big fan of corn and yams this week. We now have officially installed two of the three new car seats. This weekend we will probably finish the process and get the new one installed in Ryan's truck. Amazing how I think I will complete things in a weekend and in reality it takes me three weeks or more to finally get around to the task. But hey, at least it's done now. I think Henry prefers the big boy car seats. They sit slightly more up right, even though still in the rear facing position.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Motherhood - The First 9 Months

Baby Boy is 9 months old today. He has started to pull himself up on furniture now. Not quite up on his feet yet, but up on his knees. It is just a matter of time before he makes it to his feet. He also discovered the kitchen cabinets this weekend. What a great new toy to bang on. I'll take it for now since he doesn't know how to open them yet. This weekend he got to see lots of kids. We went to Madison's (Ryan's cousin Travis's little girl) birthday party on Saturday where there were a handful of kids. I really like family gatherings, I wish we got together more. Yesterday Henry and I hosted a play date. Cameron, Jade and Layton came over to play (plus their mom's). It is fun to see them mobile and snatching toys from one another. Cameron is not quite crawling yet, but he is the youngest (a month behind Henry). I'm sure by next month he will have mastered it. I told Kellie that she should relish this time because once he becomes mobile her life will become much busier. I love this stage though. Henry is so inquisitive and likes to play independently (for a least a little while). But, he still loves his snuggle time with Mama. I know the day will come when he doesn't want to snuggle with Mama anymore, so I am cherishing these moments.

Lately, I've been reflecting on motherhood. Here are the top 5 surprises about motherhood:

1. Passion. I've always been one of those people that wanted to find my passion. I've been interested in lots of different things in life, but not passionate about anything. I had gotten to the point of thinking that I just didn't have a passion. I know it may sound cliche, but being a mom is my passion. I LOVE being a mom. There isn't anything that brings me more joy in the world than being a mom. It is all consuming. It is ever-present. From the time I get up until the time I go to bed, I am thinking about Henry. All I want to do is spend time with him. I never tire of being with him. I knew I would like being a mom, but I had no clue how much I would love it. I thought I was career driven and would be itching to go back to work after Henry was born. But, ironically, after all the time and resources I've spent becoming a lawyer and creating an amazing lifesyle, I would give it all up in heartbeat to be a full time mom. Funny how I spent almost a decade of my adult life not wanting children and now all I want to do is be with my child.

2. Love. I knew I would love Henry, because all moms love their children. What I didn't know was how deeply I would love Henry. Unlike other forms of love, that grow and are earned in large part, the love I have for Henry is different, its primal. It is truly unconditional. And he didn't have to earn it. I just love him with all my heart. Period.

3. Attachment. I have been very surprised with my parenting style. Because I'm so type-A about most things in life, I thought I would be scheduled and formulaic about my parenting. Surprisingly, I've gravitated much more toward attachment parenting or baby-led parenting. Because I don't believe infants are manipulative, I find myself letting Henry tell me what he needs. I feed him on demand when he's hungry (even in the middle of the night) and let him sleep when he is tired (although he does have a pretty set bedtime). He still primarily naps in someone's arms, even now. I don't necessarily think other parenting styles are wrong or bad, I just have naturally fell into this type of parenting...which is polar opposite of how I thought I would be. Tons of moms told me before Henry was born that I would just know what to do when Henry was born, and somehow, this is what I "knew" how to do. Fascinating.

4. Nursing. Before Henry was born, I was skeptical if I was going to be able to nurse for even the 12 weeks that I was scheduled to take off for maternity leave. I had hoped I would be able to nurse for 6 months, which was a goal I set for myself, but deep down I was skeptical. On the flip side, I am super stubborn, so since I set a goal, I was pretty determined to meet it. What has been surprising about nursing, is how emotional it has been. It has been one of the biggest sources of stress. I am constantly worried that I won't be able to keep up with Henry's demand, but here we are 9 months later, and he's HUGE and HEALTHY. Clearly, I've been able to keep up, yet I still stress about it. You would think the stress would lead me to supplement with formula, but I stress more about giving him formula...why, only heaven knows. I never thought I would be one of those moms who nursed for the whole first year, but with only 13 more weeks left, there is a good chance I'll nurse for the entire first year (or at least pretty close to it). Another surprising thing about nursing is my husband's perspective on breastfeeding. Before Henry was born he thought it was creepy for women to nurse for much longer than a few months, but he would tolerate the first 6 months. Now, he could care less how long I nurse. Go figure. I think the biggest perk of nursing, and also surprising (because again, I was skeptical), is that nursing has helped me lose over 60 pounds since Henry was born. Woo-hoo!

5. Guilt. I have heard time and time again from working moms about the guilt they feel after becoming moms. I never really understood it until I became a mom. I feel guilty when I spend time away from Henry. There is the undercurrent guilt about working generally, but most of the guilt revolves around spending time doing other things that pull me away from Henry (like grocery shopping, cleaning, paying I feel a tremendous amount of guilt, which I know is ridiculous, but I still feel it. This usually results in me trying to postpone those activities until after he goes to bed or when Ryan can play with him, but it means I have NO time for the things that I used to do for me (painting my nails, reading a novel, scrapbooking, playing the piano, gardening, etc.) But then, I even feel guilty for wanting time for those things. I don't think I can win this battle, nor do I think this battle is logical. Emotions are a tricky thing, something that you can't always control.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

38 weeks

Henry puts EVERYTHING in his mouth now, even the couch! On Saturday we went and played next door with the Ko kids while their folks went out on a date. We had such a good time, but Bennia might have some slobber to clean off her couch now. : )

Happy Halloween! I love my little monkey.

Henry enjoyed his first college basketball game. Go Pilots! The earmuffs lasted about 10 minutes, but hey, that's 10 more minutes than I thought they would last.

Yes indeed, Henry's got two pearly whites.

Henry is a crawling machine now. He is all over the place. His new trick is to go from crawling to sitting to crawling again. He is developing so quickly, it is mind boggling. He also has become quite opinionated about stuff. He wants to hold (and eat) anything that I have in my hands, trash bags, newspaper, light bulbs, Windex, whatever. If he can't have it (because it isn't safe, or just plain gross) he screams...LOUDLY.

Halloween was a bit of a whirlwind. Henry started his morning off at Grandma Sherry's school. I think the kids got a kick out of having their teacher's grandkids come for a visit, in costume. Daddy brought Henry to Mommy's work to show him off. He was the talk of the day. : ) That afternoon we went over to Jeff and Vanessa's house for a kid costume party. We were a little early, so we didn't see many other kids in costume, but it was fun to see Jeff and Vanessa (and their two boys). Their next door neighbor Finn was over as well, who is just 2 months older than Henry. They had a nice game of keep-away with a plastic strawberry and hot dog. That evening, Henry and I went back home to pass out candy to the neighborhood kids and hit the sack at a reasonable hour.

On the food front, Henry has been trying big boy food. The other night, Henry wasn't digging the pureed food I had made, even though it was stuff he usually likes (avocados and sweet potatoes). So, I thought perhaps he might want to try what I was eating for dinner (beef stew). He LOVED all the different bits of stew I gave him. We started with the beef, then the carrots, then the potatoes, and ended with peas. All cut into TINY, TINY pieces. I am still super nervous he is going to choke, for goodness sake he only has two teeth. The next morning he was eyeing my Cheerios so we gave them a whirl too. He thought they were awesome and was not thrilled that I got the last bite. : ) Last night he actually ate a fairly good dinner of pureed stuff (beets with corn, sweet potatoes and roasted cauliflower) but he seemed pretty fascinated with my dinner (butternut squash mac n' cheese with broccolini and hot italian sausage). So, I cut up some of the noodles and broccolini and he was in HEAVEN. Yum-o. I love that he is so willing to try new foods and it is exciting that I might not have to keep pureeing everything. Henry also tried yogurt this week. He seems to be handling the dairy just fine. Thank goodness, no food allergies to report. : )

Gosh, Henry is growing up so fast. How in the world can I slow down the clock!?!