Thursday, August 22, 2013

It's just more fun with kids

This past weekend, my dear friend Jen and I went to the beach with our kiddos.  At first I thought I might be a little nuts to invite 5 kids to descend upon my humble abode, but I am soooooooooo glad I did because it was so much fun!!!  I have decided that life is just more fun with kids.  I really hope we can get together again soon.

It didn't take long for Henry to make a new best friend, Andrew.  Henry LOVES Andrew.  He enjoyed the other kids too, but Andrew was his favorite.  There is a good chance that Andrew was his favorite because it didn't take more than a hello and the two of them were playing Legos together.  I was really impressed at how sweet all of Jen's kids were with Henry, and how inclusive they were of him, even though he is so much younger.

"Got-U!!!"  Thank goodness Brady is a patient young man.  I love how digging in the sand is a timeless source of entertainment for both two and four-legged folk alike.  This digging fun began after Henry, Brady, Andrew, Soph and I got drenched from head to toe in the surf (okay...the kids were drenched from head to toe, I was only brave enough to go in to my thighs....chicken). 

Love birds.  Oh were does time fly!?!  I remember when Joey was interested in blocks, trucks and tormenting his younger siblings.  Now he is interested in GIRLS.  ECK!!!!  I suppose he's still interested in tormenting his younger siblings too.  16 going on 36...

Lexi and Brady.  Lexi has such a nurturing quality about her.  It melts my heart to watch her with Henry.  I can envision her with her own babies someday (hopefully many, many, MANY days later).  She's thoughtful, which is refreshing to see in a teenager.  Seriously did she become a teenager?  I remember holding her when she was just a cherub-like baby.

Eventually, Henry decided to get his WHOLE body into the digging adventure.

I think what amazed me more than anything this past weekend was that we spent time engaging in classic fun, rather than electronic fun.  Don't get me wrong, I love movies and TV and the Internet just as much as the next person, but I was encouraged that a group of kids ranging from 2-16 could still entertain themselves by playing a board game, sitting around a campfire playing storytelling games, eating ice cream, digging in the sand, splashing in the waves, and just sitting around enjoying each other's company.  This weekend filled me up with love, hope and encouragement.  Thank you Jen for sharing your time and your kids with me!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys had a great time. I wish I could have been there to hang out with everyone! Although I'm sure it was a full house. :)
