Friday, October 12, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch on Wednesday this week.  I took a few hours off of work so we could take advantage of the dry weather and middle of the week light foot/car traffic (the weekends at the Pumpkin Patch are a zoo this time of year).  I am most content during moments like these when we share new experiences as a family, building memories and traditions.

Look Mama!!!  There's goats!
Goin' for a cow ride.  Fun times, but oh so bumpy!
Quick, get your picture because I don't want to stand with the pumpkins! Henry + lots of stimulation + nap time = no smiles for Mama.  He was actually pretty content at the pumpkin patch, but every time I took out the camera he would give me his serious face or wave his arms and give me his squish face. 
Henry's strong and a great helper.  He lifted his pumpkin all by himself.

1 comment:

  1. I love that little train ride, but he's right - it's bumpy!
