Henry has been working on his spacial awareness. He enjoys taking stuff, in particular his blocks, out of his toy bins and putting them in other toy bins, or drawers, or the bookshelf. He also is fascinated with how doors work. He will slowly push it open and than slam it against the door stop to make a banging noise. Then he'll push the door abruptly open again so he can make the door stop make funny noises with his finger. What is amazing to me is how refined his fine motor skills have become. He, like most boys, loves things that move. He now pushes all objects around like they are cars. His favorite are his board books because they move very easily across carpet. I am now just waiting for him to start making car noises when he pushes his "cars" around. He also has learned how to throw things. Good thing grandma and grandpa bought foam blocks for x-mas, otherwise, I'd fear for my TV. The wood blocks are kept upstairs for good reason. Toilet paper is also a big favorite for Henry these days. The other day he pulled on the toilet paper hanging in the master bathroom and then crawled into the master bedroom and down the hall toward his bedroom. This was all in just the time it took me to wash my hands!
Only one more week until Henry gets his first glass of cow's milk. I am looking forward to not carting my pump back and forth to work with me, or having to pump in parking lots or ladies restrooms when I'm out of the office. He's become quite the biter while nursing, so I think the novelty had definitely run its course. I thought I would be sadder, but now that he has become vicious, I am looking forward to ending this chapter. Henry's such a good eater that I don't anticipate the transition to be a problem. Speaking of food, the boy LOVES, LOVES, LOVES pancakes. The last few weekends we either have gone out to breakfast and ordered pancakes or made them at home. He can eat just about as many pancakes as his Mama!!! He also really likes chicken, peas and avocados these days. But, he must be able to feed himself. He doesn't like Mama to do it for him anymore. He's beginning to assert his opinion and independence. Although I encourage these things, I am sure my patience will be tested on a more regular basis.
My final update regarding Henry is that I am happy to report sleep training actually worked this time around. He now goes 10 hours without nursing. He goes to bed without a peep.. Sometimes he still wakes up in the middle of the night, but he puts himself back to sleep after only 2-3 minutes. Success! The trade-off though is that he has become a binky addict. I figure I'll fight that battle later. : )
I can't believe how big Henry is getting. And his 1st birthday is right around the corner. That smile will definitely cheer anyone up on a rainy day :) Miss you!
ReplyDeleteHe may have daddy's eyes, but he has YOUR smile. pancakes... yummy! oh, and a binky addict. yes, come see me after he turns 2. ; )