As for other Henry updates...the boy loves to eat...he couldn't possibly get that from me, could he? As we all know, I love to eat! Henry tried mango and a new variety of squash tonight (there are so many great varieties in season right now, I love this time of year). Mama also served another one of his favorites, roasted cauliflower. I hope his affinity to try new things persists as he gets older.
Henry still can't crawl, but he is getting pretty good at scooting backwards and in 360s. Sometimes he gets a little frustrated because he seems to think by scooting backward he will actually move forward, usually trying to get closer to me, but he ends up further away.
Grandma O has been playing basketball with him in recent days. A few weeks ago, Ryan took out Henry's first basketball hoop that Grandma Sherry got him last Christmas before he was even born (thank you Grandma Sherry), but he cried anytime it got close to him. Strangest thing ever. So, we parked it in the corner of our living room for a few weeks. Grandma O took it out again this week and viola, Henry thought it was great fun. It is only about 18" tall and has lights and music that go off every time you make a basket. I think this is the beginning of a long love affair with the game.
Henry's very favorite toy is Mommy's hair. He pulls it EVERY chance he gets. He also really likes to pinch my neck skin or the soft part of my underarms. That boy has some grip strength, let me tell you!
As for mom, I'm doing pretty well. I still struggle from time to time with feeling overwhelmed with managing my personal life and professional life. I find myself ridiculously jealous of my stay at home mommy friends, but thankfully I enjoy what I do professionally, I just wish I had more waking hours with Henry (but don't all moms). I also dream of the day I have some hired help to complete the endless chore list. All in all though, I live an incredibly blessed life, and I try to remind myself of that every day. My little man brings me more joy than I can put into words and I hope to be able to provide every opportunity his heart desires to pursue, which unfortunately usually means $$$$, thus the necessary evil of work. I also hope that by growing up with a working mom it shows him that he really can have the best of both worlds, a loving family and a satisfying career. Balance is the challlenge that I hope to acheive everyday, but I can't say I'm always successful at acheiving it. I'll keep trying though.
He is getting cuter by the day! It's so great that he is so adventurous with the foods he eats. Hopefully he keeps it up. I miss you all!
ReplyDeleteYou're a GREAT mommy! And that first pic totally looks like ryan!.
ReplyDeleteHahaha I love picturing Soph trying to get Henry to throw the ball for her.