Tuesday, April 28, 2015

10 Months

 Baby Man takes selfies just as well as his big brother...fuzzy, but CUTE!
He has all the toys in the world, but a piece of string still brings so much delight.
 He is a serious mess maker!
Russ loves being outside.  The fresh air does us all good!  

By way of other developments, Russ is a crawling machine now.  He is into EVERYTHING.  You can't turn around for a second without fearing another drawer being emptied or box toppling over.  He also loves to walk with assistance, holding a finger in each hand.  He enjoys banging things against hard surfaces, the louder the noise, the better.  Russ prefers chunks of food over purees, and we haven't found anything he won't eat yet.   He still just has four teeth, but I suspect more are on the way because the drool factor has significantly increased in recent days.  Russ is still enamored with his big brother, trying to mimic him and wants to play with Henry's toys rather than his own (which Henry doesn't always appreciate). He is also very opinionated (squawking until he gets his way) and prefers to be the center of attention...at all times.  He's not a particularly cuddly baby, but would rather just be in close proximity or on the move.  He sleeps best alone, in his crib, and is early to wake (usually during the 5am hour). All in all, he's developing into a fun-loving, energetic little boy.  Can't wait to see what the future holds for us!