He indeed is Mommy's little monkey!
Russ likes it when I talk and sing to him, especially silly songs about zoo animals.
Henry visited the barber for the first time for a proper haircut right before school started. It took much coaxing on my part, but after he got there he did AMAZING, waiting patiently (for 45 minutes before it was our turn!), holding still and listening to directions. Mommy was so proud of him, he earned himself a new Batman Lego. He was on cloud nine.
Russ likes the beach just like the rest of our clan.
Henry loves low tide because he can spend lots of time in the puddles.
A visit to the park helps put everyone in a good mood.
Cheesy photo smile.
During our last visit to the beach, we happened upon an old school carnival. Here, Henry is preparing to win a "scary" plastic snake if he can land a toilet paper roll in a cardboard toilet. I love small town fun!
And here is Henry's prize! I love his expression in this photo (with his squished up nose). He spent the next 15 minutes chasing me around with the snake trying to scare me (he knows I hate snakes!).
I can't get enough of his new(ish) smile.

Here it is again!!! By way of other updates, Russ is growing like a weed, he recently transitioned into 6 month clothes. Seriously, already! At his two month appointment a couple of weeks ago, Dr. E indicated he looked "very healthy." His two month stats were: 24.1 inches long, 11 lbs 12 oz, 15.4 inch head (up from 21 inches long, 8 lbs 1.5 oz, 14.25 inch head at his two week appointment). His height is what blows my mind. He is long bodied liked the rest of us in the family. It is so reassuring to hear the doc confirm your baby is healthy. He said the bumps on his skin are likely soborrhea, a cousin of cradle cap, which is completely harmless and should resolve itself without treatment by the time Russ is 6 months. Thank goodness it wasn't a viral rash or an allergic reaction (as a person who is allergic to everything under the sun, I am probably hypersensitive about allergies and I always suspect the boys have developed allergies). He is starting to coo more and more each day and he has pretty good head control, but he's still floppy. He's sleeping about 6-7 hours each night before he wakes me to eat (a huge improvement from just a few weeks ago)...too bad I don't go to bed when he does (but I usually get 3-4 uninterrupted hours of sleep, 5-6 total). He eats 7-8 times a day and thankfully will take a bottle. He is a bigger fan of sucking on his fist than a pacifier at this point. I wish he was more a pacifier kid because he is often fussy before falling asleep. The pacifier was magical with Henry for sleep purposes, it helped put him to sleep quickly without a fuss. Only time will tell if Russ develops a similar fondness, but for now, he's not a fan.