This is what I call Henry's "cheese-ball" smile. Forced to the point that his cheeks start to dimple. Still irresistible to me!
Digging is perhaps Henry's favorite pastime, which is no exception at the beach. We got lucky with dry, sunny weather one weekend this month. Perfect excuse for fun in the sand and indulging on fish n' chips and ice cream!
The sun came out after a few rainy days, so we headed outside for some bike riding. People ask me all the time if I think Henry looks more like me or more like Ryan. I usually say that he's a great blend of the two of us. I do think he has my smile though and I think this picture highlights that. It blows my mind how similarly our faces transform when we smile, like the shape of our eyes, cheeks and lips. Genetics are pretty cool that way. Speaking of genetics, Ryan and Henry were sitting together the other night, cuddled up, watching one of Henry's favorite movies when Ryan looked down and noticed that he twitches his toes a bit when he is relaxing and then he noticed Henry was doing the exact same thing! Ryan turned to me, smiled and said "well, perhaps he is mine after all." Classic.
Above all else, what amazes me is how much Henry's personality has developed over the past few months. This often is exhibited in his speech. Here are some excerpts from the last couple months:
Upon waking up one morning after Grandpa Keith watched him...
Henry: Who put me in bed last night?
Me: Grandpa Keith"
Henry: Grandpa Keith downstairs?
Me: No, he went home.
Henry: Why?
Me: Grandpa Keith was tired and had to go night-night just like Henry.
Henry: Grandpa Keith didn't eat his boogers!
While playing with a plastic reindeer that "poops" jellybeans...
Henry:Why does the reindeer have a big butt?
Me: So it can eat a lot.
Henry: And POOP a lot!
Me: Yes.
Henry: Henwie likes poop...Henwie play with poop a lot!
After a playdate...
"Henwie shared toys good. Henwie make Mommy HAAAAAPPPPPY!!!!"
Me: If the baby is a boy, what should we name baby brother?
Henry: Poopface.
Me: If the baby is a girl, what should we name baby sister?
Henry: Buttface.
{hmm...wonder who taught him that...wasn't me...}
"Santa no like pumpkin cookies. Santa likes chocolate chip cookies. Henwie LOOOOOVES chocolate chip cookies too! Henwie and Mommy make chocolate chip cookies for Santa and he can share with Henwie?"
While looking at pictures of construction equipment...
"Whaz it dooos?" (as he points to each machine)
After hearing his dad toot...
"Ewe, that's stinky! Daddy need go poo-poo!"
While running around the house pretending to be a truck...
"Honk honk! Move it, chickens!"
While coming out of his room (dark) into the lighted hallway...
"It's too lighty!"
While out shopping...
Henry: Henwie no like girl toys. Henwie is a boy. Henwie likes boy toys.
Me: What sort of boy toys?
Henry: Hmm (said while tilting head to one side)...Henwie like diggers. Henwie like dump trucks. Henwie like cars...and....cement mixers. Mommy buy Henwie cement mixer?
While driving to the grocery store (after dark)...
"It's dark. Mommy, drive VERY careful!"
While chatting over dinner...
Me: Do you think there is a girl baby or a boy baby in Mommy's tummy?
Henry: Nuuuuufin. Maybe a doggie.
While holding a long string...
Henry: Mommy you hold this side (handing me one end of the string while holding the other end)
Me: Ok. Now what?
Henry: You be the broken car. I be the tow truck. Broken car needs go to the mechanic.
Me: Where is the mechanic?
Henry: I tow you there. ("pulling" me to the dining room) Ok, now unhook (expecting me to drop the string). BANG, BANG, BANG! Ok, now you broken car is fixed!
Me: Vroom. Vroom.
Henry: Race me! (as he runs into the room expecting me to chase him)
While getting ready for bed...
Henry: Why Mommy have hair on your butt?
Me: {shocked at the question} Mommy doesn't have hair on my butt! Grown-ups do have hair on their private parts though.
Henry: Why Henwie have no hair?
Me: When you get bigger, you will grow hair too on your private parts.
Henry: When I am big like Daddy?
Me: Yes.
Henry: Hehehe. Henwie a boy. Henwie have a penis. Mommy a lady. Mommy have boobs!
Me: Yes, love. Good night. Sweet dreams!
{I walked out of his room just shaking my head, amused. Oh the joys of teaching littles about body parts and the differences between boys and girls.}