Saturday, July 30, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
5 Months!!!
Henry likes to sit in his Bumbo while Mommy and Daddy have dinner each night. He can't wait to start eating real food.
Rolling over is easier and easier every day. Tummy time is much more tolerable. Henry's going to be crawling in no time at all!
Henry turned 5 months on Thursday. He is such a joy! He sleeps through the night most nights (8-9 hours), which is a huge plus during the work week. He just got over his first cold, but he handled it like a champ, not too fussy. He really enjoys sitting in his Bumbo and watching Mom do whatever, from washing dishes, to cooking dinner, to vacuuming, to gardening, to opening mail...well, for about 15-20 minutes and then he wants OUT. He reaches out and grabs things now too, including Mom's earrings and the cactus that sits on the kitchen table (ouch). Baby-proofing my house is definitely on the priority list. He also loves to stand and bounce with assistance. It wouldn't surprise me if he walks before he crawls. His attention span is getting longer by the day. He will now listen to 2-3 short board books in a row. As an avid reader, I am trying to instill a love of reading early, or at least an interest in books. He favorite so far is The Hungry Caterpillar.
As for Mom, I am feeling a little more adjusted to my new normal. I still struggle to find balance between work and the rest of life, but that will probably be a struggle until I retire (or win the lottery...perhaps I should start buying tickets). I've lost 50 pounds since Henry was born, but still can't seem to find the time to run or go to the gym. Perhaps after I'm done nursing I will find some more time. Speaking of nursing, last week I was finally able to retire the nipple shield! I never thought the day would come, but I can now nurse like normal women. Yippee!!! After reflecting about the last 5 months, what I am most grateful for in life, is the invention of grandmas. Both my mom and Ryan's mom have been absolute LIFE SAVERS. Ryan was at MDA camp this week and his mom graciously came over to take care of Henry while I was at work. There are not enough words to express how thankful I am to have family nearby that are willing to help out. It makes going to work so much easier knowing Henry's at home with family that loves him. I love hearing the stories about all the fun they had together while I was away. I wish I could be a baby again!
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